Vincenzo Foppa, 'The Adoration of the Kings', perhaps about 1500
About the work
At the end of their long journey, three magnificently dressed kings offer gifts to the Christ Child, who is seated on the Virgin’s lap. Behind them, their retinue winds its way through the hilly landscape from Jerusalem, visible on a distant hilltop. This is the Adoration of the Kings (Matthew 2: 11), when three kings followed a star from the East to find the infant Christ in a stable in Bethlehem.
This altarpiece is the largest and most impressive of the National Gallery’s collection of paintings made in Lombardy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The scene is carefully structured to focus attention on the gifts and Christ, but anecdotal details bring the procession to life. At the back, two men – one wears a furry cap, the other a hood – hold falcons. On the right, a young page on a grey horse has stuck his feet into the stirrup leathers as he can't reach the stirrups.
Key facts
- Full title
- The Adoration of the Kings
- Artist
- Vincenzo Foppa
- Artist dates
- active 1456 - 1515/16
- Date made
- perhaps about 1500
- Medium and support
- oil on wood
- Dimensions
- 238.8 × 210.8 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1863
- Inventory number
- NG729
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Martin Davies, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian Schools’, London 1986; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
1841Catalogue des tableaux composant la galerie de feu son eminence le Cardinal Fesch, Rome 1841
1845George, Galerie de feu S.E. le Cardinal Fesch, ancien archevêque de Lyon, primat des Gaules, etc., etc., ou catalogue raisonné des tableaux de cette galerie, accompagné de notices historiques et analytiques, Rome, 17 March 1845 - 18 March 1845
1854G.F. Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain: Being and Account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated Mss. […], vol. 2, trans. E. Eastlake, London 1854
1863Christie, Manson & Woods, Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Pictures of the Rev. Walter Davenport Bromley, London, 12 June 1863
1864National Gallery, Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery: Foreign Schools, London 1864
1871J.A. Crowe and G.B. Cavalcaselle, A History of Painting in North Italy: Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Ferrara, Milan, Friuli, Brescia, from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century, 2 vols, London 1871
1874F. Kugler, Handbook of Painting: The Italian Schools, ed. E. Eastlake, 4th edn, London 1874
1881National Gallery, Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery: Foreign Schools, London 1881
1886National Gallery, The Abridged Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery…foreign Schools, London 1886
1887F. Kugler, Handbook of Painting: The Italian Schools, eds C.L. Eastlake and A.H. Layard, 5th edn, London 1887
1909C.J. Ffoulkes and R. Maiocchi, Vincenzo Foppa of Brescia, Founder of the Lombard School, His Life and Work, London 1909
1938K.T. Parker, 'Vincenzo Foppa, "The Justice of Trajan", Oxford, Ashmolean Museum', Old Master Drawings, XIII, 1938, pp. 6-8
1948A.M. Hind, Early Italian Engraving, London 1948
1949F. Wittgens, Vincenzo Foppa, Milan 1949
1951Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian Schools, London 1951
1961M. Davies, The Earlier Italian Schools, 2nd edn, London 1961
1986Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian Schools, revised edn, London 1986
1996M.G. Balzarini, Vincenzo Foppa: La formazione e l'attività giovanile, Florence 1996
1997M.G. Balzarini, Vincenzo Foppa, Milan 1997
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2001J. Dunkerton and C. Plazzotta, 'Vincenzo Foppa's "Adoration of the Kings"', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XXII, 2001, pp. 18-28
2002G. Agosti, M. Natale and G. Romano, Vincenzo Foppa: Un protagonista del Rinascimento (exh. cat. Museo della Città, Santo Giulia, 3 March - 2 June 2002), Milan 2002
2002D. Bomford et al., Underdrawings in Renaissance Paintings (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 30 October 2002 - 16 February 2003), London 2002
2002J. Dunkerton and C. Plazzotta, 'L'Adorazione dei Magi di Vincenzo Foppa', in Vincenzo Foppa. Technice d'esecuzione, indagini e restauri. Atti del Seminario internazionale di Studi, Milan 2002, pp. 147-55
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.