Anthony van Dyck, 'Lady Elizabeth Thimbelby and her Sister', about 1635
About the work
Anthony van Dyck was largely responsible for introducing the double or ‘friendship’ portrait to Britain. The informal composition of this painting as well as the quantities of shimmering silk on display perfectly illustrate the appeal of Van Dyck’s new style to aristocratic British patrons eager for innovation.
The two women in the portrait, Dorothy and Elizabeth, were the eldest surviving daughters of Thomas, 1st Viscount Savage. It was once thought that the picture was painted around the time of Dorothy’s scandalous elopement in 1637, and that she was the sister seated on the right. But this theory has been disproved, and a contemporary copy of the painting identifies Dorothy as standing on the left. Elizabeth wears a saffron-coloured gown – a colour said to have been worn by brides in ancient Greece. She is the newly-wed receiving roses from Cupid, the god of erotic love.
Key facts
- Full title
- Lady Elizabeth Thimbelby and Dorothy, Viscountess Andover
- Artist
- Anthony van Dyck
- Artist dates
- 1599 - 1641
- Date made
- about 1635
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 132.1 × 149 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1977
- Inventory number
- NG6437
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 17th-century Flemish Frame (original frame)
Additional information
Text extracted from the National Gallery’s Annual Report, ‘The National Gallery: July 1975 – December 1977’.
Exhibition history
2009Van Dyck & BritainTate Britain18 February 2009 - 17 May 2009
2014Making ColourThe National Gallery (London)18 June 2014 - 7 September 2014
2018Van Dyck, Court PainterMusei Reali di Torino - Galleria Sabauda16 November 2018 - 17 March 2019
2020Masterpieces from the National Gallery, LondonThe National Museum of Western Art18 June 2020 - 18 October 2020The National Museum of Art3 November 2020 - 31 January 2021
2021Botticelli to Van Gogh: Masterpieces from the National Gallery, LondonNational Gallery of Australia5 March 2021 - 14 June 2021
1682Sir Peter Lely's Great Collection of Pictures, and Other Rarities, as Statues, Bronzes, etc., London, 18 April 1682
1822T.F. Dibdin, Aedes Althorpianae, London 1822
1828H. Walpole, Anecdotes of Painting in England, with Some Account of the Principal Artists, and Incidental Notes on Other Arts, ed. J. Dallaway, 5 vols, London 1828
J. Smith, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters: In Which is Included a Short Biographical Notice of the Artists, with a Copious Description of Their Principal Pictures […], vol. 2, London 1830
1854G.F. Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain: Being and Account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated Mss. […], vol. 2, trans. E. Eastlake, London 1854
1882J. Guiffrey, Antoine van Dyck: Sa vie et son oeuvre, Paris 1882
1900L.H. Cust, Anthony van Dyck: An Historical Study of his Life and Works, London 1900
1931G. Glück, Van Dyck, des Meisters Gemälde, Stuttgart 1931
1935G. Vertue, 'Vertue Note Books, IV', The Walpole Society, XXIV, 1936
1943T. Borenius, 'Editorial: Sir Peter Lely's Great Collection of Pictures, 1682', The Burlington Magazine, LXXXIII, 1943, pp. 185-8
1953G. Kelly, Flemish Art, 1300-1700 (exh. cat. Royal Academy of Arts, 5 December 1953 - 6 March 1954), London 1953
1955The Diary of John Evelyn, ed. E.S. de Beer, 6 vols, Oxford 1955, vol. 5
1974K. Garlick, 'A Catalogue of Pictures at Althorp', The Walpole Society, XLV, 1976, pp. 1-128
1977K. Roberts, 'Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: London', The Burlington Magazine, CXIX/889, 1977
1977A. Smith, 'A van Dyck Double Portrait in the National Gallery', The Burlington Magazine, CXIX/897, 1977, p. 859
1978The National Gallery, The National Gallery: July 1975 - December 1977, London 1978
1978J. Mills and R. White, 'Organic Analysis in the Arts: Some Further Paint Medium Analyses', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, II, 1978, pp. 71-6
1978A. Ribeiro, 'Letter: Van Dyck's Double Portrait', The Burlington Magazine, 1978
1982O. Millar, Van Dyck in England, London 1982-1983
1982C. Brown, Van Dyck, Oxford 1982
1986Martin, Gregory, National Gallery Catalogues: The Flemish School, circa 1600 - circa 1900, London 1986
1987C. Brown, The National Gallery Schools of Painting: Flemish Paintings, London 1987
1987J. Müller Hofstede, 'Neue Beiträge zum Oeuvre Anton van Dycks', Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, XLVIII-XLIX, 1987, pp. 123‑86
1988E. Larsen, The Paintings of Anthony van Dyck, Freren 1988
1990C. Brown, Van Dyck (exh. cat. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 11 November 1990 - 24 February 1991), Washington 1990
1990Z.Z. Filipczak, 'Reflections on Motifs in Van Dyck's Portraits', in A.K. Wheelock et al., Anthony Van Dyck, Washington 1990, pp. 59-68
1994W. Savelsberg, 'Eine "Beauty‑Gallery" im Schloss Mosigkau: 12 englische Hofdamenporträts nach Anton van Dyck in der Sammlung einer anhalt‑dessauischen Fürstentochter', Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, LV, 1994, pp. 185‑204
1996P. Mitchell and L. Roberts, A History of European Picture Frames, London 1996
1996D. Dethloff, 'The Executors' Account Book and the Dispersal of Sir Peter Lely's Collection', Journal of the History of Collections, VIII/1, 1996, pp. 15-51
1997C. Vermeeren and P. Van der Ploeg, Princely Patrons: The Collection of Frederick Henry of Orange and Amalia of Solms in The Hague, Zwolle 1997
1999H. Vlieghe and C. Brown, Van Dyck 1599-1641, Antwerp and London 1999
1999S.G. Tasch, Studien zum weiblichen Rollenporträt in England von Anthonis van Dyck bis Joshua Reynolds, Weimar 1999
1999J. Brown (ed.), Velázquez, Rubens y Van Dyck: Pintores cortesanos del siglo XVII, Madrid 1999-2000
1999Z.Z. Filipczak, 'Van Dyck's Men and Women in Humoral Perspective', Jaarboek Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen, 1999, pp. 50-69
1999A. Roy, 'The National Gallery van Dycks: Technique and Development', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XX, 1999, pp. 50‑83
1999R. White, 'Van Dyck's Paint Medium', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XX, 1999, pp. 84-8
1999J. Brown (ed.), Velázquez, Rubens y Van Dyck: Pintores cortesanos del siglo XVII (exh. cat. Museo Nacional del Prado, 17 December 1999 - 5 March 2000), Madrid 1999
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2001E.E. Gordenker, Van Dyck (1599-1641) and the Representation of Dress in the Seventeenth-Century Portraiture, Turnhout 2001
2001D. Jaffé, 'New thoughts on Van Dyck's Italian sketchbook', Burlington Magazine, CXLIII/1183, October 2001, pp. 614-24
2004H. Vey et al., Van Dyck: A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, New Haven 2004
2005A. Ribeiro, Fashion and Fiction: Dress in Art and Literature in Stuart England, New Haven and London 2005
2006S. Richardson, Passion for Paint, London 2006
2008J.L. Hallam, 'All the Queen's Women: Female Double Portraits at the Caroline Court', in A. Pearson (ed.), Women and Portraits in Early Modern Europe, Franham 2008, pp. 137-60
2009K. Hearn (ed.), Van Dyck & Britain (exh. cat., Tate Britain, London), London 2009
2009A. Roy and D. Bomford, A Closer Look: Colour, London 2009
2018M.G. Bernardini and A.M. Bava, Van Dyck: Pittore di Corte, Rome 2018-2019
2021C. White, Anthony van Dyck & the Art of Portraiture, London 2021
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.