Edouard Manet, 'Music in the Tuileries Gardens', 1862
About the work
A fashionable and wealthy crowd that includes many artists and intellectuals has gathered in the Tuileries Gardens to listen to one of the twice-weekly concerts given there. Manet himself stands at the far left of the picture holding a cane, his body cut by the edge of the canvas and partly obscured by the man in front of him, the animal painter Comte Albert de Balleroy. He is a participant in the scene but also slightly detached from it.
Painted in 1862, this was Manet’s first major painting of contemporary life in Second Empire Paris (1852–1870) and is an early example of his interest in urban leisure, a subject that would preoccupy him for the rest of his life, as it would the Impressionists. But it is also a group portrait of Manet and his family, friends and associates.
The painting has the status of an artistic manifesto and has justifiably been described as the earliest example of modern painting due to its subject matter and technique.
Key facts
- Full title
- Music in the Tuileries Gardens
- Artist
- Edouard Manet
- Artist dates
- 1832 - 1883
- Date made
- 1862
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 76.2 × 118.1 cm
- Inscription summary
- Signed; Dated
- Acquisition credit
- Sir Hugh Lane Bequest, 1917, The National Gallery, London. In partnership with Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin.
- Inventory number
- NG3260
- Location
- On loan: Long Loan to The Hugh Lane (2019 - 2026) (Group B), Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, Dublin, Ireland
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 20th-century Replica Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Martin Davies, with additions and some revisions by Cecil Gould, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: French School: Early 19th Century, Impressionists, Post-Impressionists, etc.’, London 1970 and supplemented by Isobel Muir; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2006Long Loan to The Hugh Lane (2006 - 2013) (Group B)Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane31 December 2006 - 1 January 2013
2012Manet: Portraying LifeRoyal Academy of Arts26 January 2013 - 14 April 2013
2014Inventing Impressionism: Paul Durand-Ruel and the Modern Art MarketMusée du Luxembourg9 October 2014 - 8 February 2015Philadelphia Museum of Art24 June 2015 - 13 September 2015
2015Delacroix and the Rise of Modern ArtMinneapolis Institute of Art18 October 2015 - 10 January 2016
2018Courtauld Impressionists: From Manet to CézanneThe National Gallery (London)17 September 2018 - 20 January 2019
2019Long Loan to The Hugh Lane (2019 - 2026) (Group B)Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane20 October 2019 - 23 February 2026
2021Manet and Astruc: Friendship and InspirationKunsthalle Bremen23 October 2021 - 27 February 2022
1863P. Mantz, 'Exposition de boulevard des italiens', Gazette des beaux-arts, 1863
1863P. de Saint-Victor, 'Beaux-arts', La Presse, 1863
1867E. Zola, Edouard Manet: Étude biographique et critique, Paris 1867
1867H. Babou, 'Les Dissidents de l'Exposition, M. Edouard Manet', La Revue libérale, II, 1867
1867L. Leroy, 'Les expositions de Mm. Courbet et Manet', Le Charivari, 1867
1880P. Alexis, 'Manet', La Revue moderne et naturaliste, 1880, pp. 289-95
1882P. Alexis, 'Chronique: Avant le Salon', Le Réveil, 1882
1884E. Bazire, Manet, Paris 1884
1884J. Péladan, 'Le procédé de Manet d'après l'exposition de l'École des Beaux-Arts', L'Artiste, 1884
1884E. Zola et al., Edouard Manet (exh. cat. Ecole nationale des Beaux-Arts, January 1884), Paris 1884
1897A. Proust, 'Edouard Manet inédit', Revue blanche, 1897
1899J. Meier-Graefe, 'Die Stellung ed. Manet', Kunst, 1899
1902T. Duret, Histoire de Edouard Manet et de son oeuvre, Paris 1902
1902H. von Tschudi, Manet, Berlin 1902
1904C. Mauclair, L'Impressionisme, son histoire, son esthétique, ses maîtres, Paris 1904
1905F. Rutter, 'Round the Galleries', Sunday Times, 1905
1908S. Harrison, Illustrated Catalogue, with Biographical and Critical Notes, Dublin 1908
1908T. Duret, 'Edouard Manet et les Impressionists', in Histoire de Paysage en France, Paris 1908, pp. 302-16
1911G.J. Wolff, 'Edouard Manet', Kunst, 1911
1912J. Meier-Graefe, Edouard Manet, Munich 1912
1913A. Proust, Edouard Manet: Souvenirs, Paris 1913
1917L.H. Cust, 'Manet at the National Gallery', The Burlington Magazine, XXX/168, 1917, pp. 110-5
1917C.J. Holmes, 'New Exhibits at the National Gallery', The Burlington Magazine, XXX/167, 1917, pp. 80-1
1917C. Phillips, 'National Gallery, II: Sir Hugh Lane's Pictures', Daily Telegraph, 1917
1923E. Waldmann, Edouard Manet, Berlin 1923
1926E. Moreau-Nélaton, Manet raconté par lui-même, 2 vols, Paris 1926
1928J.-E. Blanche, De Gauguin à la Revue nègre, Paris 1928
1928J. Meier-Graefe, 'Julius: Die Franzosen in der Tate Gallery', Cicerone, 12, 1928, pp. 389-97
1929R. Huyghe, 'L'art français moderne et les musées anglais', Beaux-arts, XV, 1929
1931A. Tabarant, Manet: Histoire catalographique, Paris 1931
1932T. Bodkin, Hugh Lane and his Pictures, Dublin 1932
1932P. Jamot, G. Wildenstein and M.-L. Bataille, Manet, Paris 1932
1939L. Venturi, Les archives de l'impressionnisme, Paris 1939
1941G. Jedlicka, Edouard Manet, Zürich 1941
1942P. Tabarant, La vie artistique au temps de Baudelaire, Paris 1942
1947M. Florisoone, Manet, Monaco 1947
1947A. Tabarant, Manet et ses oeuvres, Paris 1947
1949P. Signac, 'Journal inédit de Paul Signac: 14 December 1894', Gazette des beaux-arts, XXXVI, 1949
1954N.G. Sandblad, Manet: Three Studies in Artistic Conception, Lund 1954
1954G.H. Hamilton, Manet and His Critics, New Haven 1954
1955J.-L. Vaudoyer, E. Manet, Paris 1955
1957Martin Davies, National Gallery Catalogues: French School, 2nd edn (revised), London 1957
1957A. Brookner, 'Baudelaire on Art', The Connoisseur, 1957
1958J. Richardson, Edouard Manet. Paintings and Drawings, London 1958
1958M.T. Maugis, 'Baudelaire et le centenaire des "Fleurs du mal"', Jardin des arts, 1958, pp. 186-92
1959J.W.H. Hemmings and R.J. Niess, E. Zola: Salons, Paris 1959
1961A. Bowness, 'A Note on Manet's Compositional Difficulties', The Burlington Magazine, CIII/699, 1961, pp. 276-7
1964T. Reff, 'The Meanings of Manet's Olympia', Gazette des beaux-arts, 1964
1966G.H. Hamilton, 'Is Manet Still "Modern"?', Art News Annual, XXXI, 1966, pp. 121-3
1968P. Schneider, The World of Manet 1832-1883, New York 1968
1969B. Farwell, 'Manet's Espada and Mercantonio', Metropolitan Museum Journal, II, 1969
1969M. Fried, 'Manet's Sources', Art Forum, VII, 1969, pp. 28-82
1969T. Reff, 'Manet's Sources. A Critical Evolution', Art Forum, VII/1, 1969, pp. 40-8
1969L.B. Hyslop and F. Hyslop, 'Baudelaire and Manet: A Reappraisal', in Baudelaire as a Love Poet and Other Essays, Univerisity Park PA 1969, pp. 87-130
1970Davies, Martin, and Cecil Gould, National Gallery Catalogues: French School: Early 19th Century, Impressionists, Post-Impressionists etc., London 1970
1970S. Orienti and P. Pool, The Complete Paintings of Manet, London 1970
1972G. Bazin, Edouard Manet, Milan 1972
1972A.C. Hanson, 'Popular Imagery and the Work of Edouard Manet', in U. Finke (ed.), French 19th Century Painting and Literature, Manchester 1972, pp. 133-63
1974A. Callen, 'Faure and Manet', Gazette des beaux-arts, 1974, pp. 157-78
1975D. Rouart and D. Wildenstein, Edouard Manet: Catalogue raisonné, Lausanne 1975
1977A.C. Hanson, Manet and the Modern Tradition, New Haven 1977
1979J. Manet, Journal (1893-1899), Paris 1979
1981J.S. Hallam, 'The Two Manners of Louis-Léopold Boilly and French Genre Painting in Transition', Art Bulletin, 1981
1982J. Richardson, Manet, Oxford 1982
1982T. Reff, Manet and Modern Paris: One Hundred Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Photographs by Manet and His Contemporaries (exh. cat. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 5 December 1982 - 6 March 1983), Washington 1982
1983M. Wilson, French Painting after 1800, London 1983
1983J. Clay, 'Ointments, Makeup, Pollen', October, XXVII, 1983, pp. 3-44
1983D. Sutton, 'Edouard Manet: The Artist as Dandy', Apollo, 1983, pp. 330-41
1983F. Cachin and C.S. Moffett, Manet, 1832-1883 (exh. cat. Grand Palais, 22 April - 1 August 1983; Metropolitan Museum of Art, 10 September - 27 November 1983), Paris 1983
1983M. Wilson, Manet at Work: An Exhibition to Mark the Centenary of the Death of Edouard Manet, 1832-1883 (exh. cat. The National Gallery, London, 10 August - 9 October 1983), London 1983
1984J. Wilson-Bareau, 'The Portrait of Ambroise Adam by Edouard Manet', The Burlington Magazine, CXXVI, 1984, pp. 750-8
1985D. Carrier, 'Manet and His Interpreters', Art History, 1985, pp. 320-35
1986K. Adler, Manet, Oxford 1986
1987J. Manet, Growing Up with the Impressionists. The Diary of Julie Manet, eds R. de Boland Roberts and J. Roberts, London 1987
1988R.L. Herbert, Impressionism: Art, Leisure and Parisian Society, New Haven 1988
1989H. Keller, Edouard Manet, Munich 1989
1990F. Cachin, Manet, Paris 1990
1990D. Bomford, R. White and L. Williams, Impressionism (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 1990), London 1990
1991J. Wilson-Bareau (ed.), Manet by Himself, London 1991
1991J. Wilson-Bareau, 'Review: Art in the Making: Impressionism', The Burlington Magazine, CXXXIII/1055, 1991, pp. 127-9
1992S. Carr-Gomm, Manet, London 1992
1992C. Prendergast, Paris and the Nineteenth Century, Oxford 1992
1992L. Stevenson, Manet, London 1992
1993F.F. Frascina et al., Modernity and Modernism: French Painting in the Nineteenth Century, New Haven 1993
1993R. White and J. Pilc, 'Analyses of Paint Media', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XIV, 1993, pp. 86-94
1993R.-M. Hagen and R. Hagen, 'Edouard Manet: "Musik im Tuileriengarten", 1862: Ein Bild als Programm der Moderne art', Art, 1993
1994J. House, Impressionisim for England: Samuel Courtauld as Patron and Collector, London 1994
1994J.H. Rubin, Manet's Silence and the Poetics of Bouquets, London 1994
1994G. Tinterow and H. Loyrette, Origins of Impressionism, (exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994), New York 1994
1994R. Lethbridge, 'Manet's Textural Frames', in P. Collier and R. Lethbridge (eds), Artistic Relations: Literature and the Visual Arts in Nineteenth Century France, New Haven 1994, pp. 144-57
1994J. Wilson-Bareau, 'Pastiche or Parallelism? Baudelaire and other Keys to Manet's Relationship with Goya', in J. Held (ed.), Goya: Neue Forschungen, Berlin 1994, pp. 205-25
1995H. Düchting, Edouard Manet: Images of Parisian Life, Munich 1995
1996M. Fried, Manet's Modernism, or the Face of Painting in the 1860s, Chicago 1996
1996C. Keisch and M.U. Riemann-Reyher (eds), Adolph Menzel 1815-1905: Between Romanticism and Impressionism, New Haven 1996
1997D. Fernandez, Le musée d'Emile Zola: Haines et passions, Paris 1997
1997E. Williams, The Impressionists' Paris: Walking Tours of the Painters' Studios, Homes, and the Sites They Painted, New York 1997
1998D.W. Pitman, Bazille: Purity, Pose, and Painting in the 1860s, Univerisity Park PA 1998
1998National Gallery, Places in Art, London 1998
1998E. Roters, Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts: Themen und Motive, Cologne 1998
1998G. Galligan, 'The Self Pictured: Manet, the Mirror, and the Occupation of Realist Painting', Art Bulletin, LXXX/1, 1998, pp. 138-71
1999A. Dumas, Impressionism: Paintings Collected by European Museums (exh. cat. High Museum of Art, 23 February - 16 May 1999; Seattle Art Museum, 12 June - 29 August 1999; Denver Art Museum, 2 October - 12 Decmebr 1999), Atlanta 1999
1999M. Wilson, The Tuileries Incident (exh. cat. Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, 1999), Dublin 1999
2000J.-L. Chalumeau, La ville dans l'art, Paris 2000
2000B. Thomson, Impressionism: Origins, Practice, Reception, London 2000
2000M. Goldin (ed.), La nascita dell'impressionismo (exh. cat. Casa dei Carraresi, 9 September 2000 - 14 January 2001), Conegliano 2000
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2001N. Locke, Manet and the Family Romance, Princeton/Oxford 2001
2001M. Goldin (ed.), Monet: I luoghi della pittura (exh. cat. Casa dei Carraresi, 29 September 2001-10 February 2002), Conegliano 2001
2002I. Conzen, Edouard Manet und die Impressionisten, Stuttgart (Staatsgalerie)/Ostfildern-Ruit 2002
2003M.B. Mena Marqués (ed.), Manet en el Prado (exh. cat. Museo Nacional del Prado, 13 October 2003 - 11 January 2004), Madrid 2003
2004A. Rustenholz, Paris des avant-gardes: Auw rendez-vous des amis, des romantiques aux existentialistes, Paris 2004
2004A. Graham-Dixon, 'In the Picture: Music in the Tuileries Gardens (1862; 30x46in) by Edouard Manet', Sunday Telegraph Magazine, 2004
2004M. Korn, 'Exhibition of Modern French Art and Their Influence on Collectors in Britain 1870-1918: The Davies Sisters in Context', Journal of the History of Collections, XVI/2, 2004, pp. 191-218
2006C. Riopelle, Manet to Picasso, London 2006
2006A. Sturgis et al., Rebels and Martyrs: The Image of the Artist in the Nineteenth Century (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 28 June - 28 August 2006), London 2006
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.