Jacopo Tintoretto, 'Christ washing the Feet of the Disciples', about 1575-80
About the work
After supper with his disciples, Christ rose and began to wash their feet (John 13:2–17). When Peter refused to allow this, Christ replied that if Peter would not allow him to wash his feet then he had no place with him. Peter then asked Christ to wash his hands and head as well, but Christ said those who were clean only needed to have their feet washed. He told the disciples that they should follow his example and wash one another’s feet. The episode illustrates the need for self-abasement and fraternal love, as well as for purification by Baptism and penance.
The picture was commissioned by the Scuola di Santissimo Sacramento for the chapel of the Most Holy Sacrament in S. Trovaso, Venice, where it hung opposite Tintoretto’s Last Supper (still in the chapel today).
The painting is very damaged and worn and the paint has darkened in many places. The checkered floor was schematically repainted in the nineteenth century.
Key facts
- Full title
- Christ washing the Feet of the Disciples
- Artist
- Jacopo Tintoretto
- Artist dates
- about 1518 - 1594
- Date made
- about 1575-80
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 204.5 × 410.2 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1882
- Inventory number
- NG1130
- Location
- Room 9
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 17th-century Italian Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Nicholas Penny, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings’, vol. 2, ‘Venice 1540–1600’, London 2008; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
1584R. Borghini, Il riposo di Raffaello Borghini, Florence 1584
1664M. Boschini, Le minere della pittura. Compendiosa informazione di Marco Boschini non solo delle pitture publiche di Venezia ma dell'isole ancora circonuicine, Venice 1664
1674M. Boschini, Le ricche minere della pittura veneziana: Compendiosa informazione di Marco Boschini, non solo delle pitture publiche di Venezia, ma dell'isole ancora circonuicine, Venezia 1674
1733A.M. Zanetti, Descrizione di tutte le pubbliche pitture della città di Venezia e isole circonvicine: O sia rinnovazione delle Ricche minere di Marco Boschini, colla aggiunta di tutte le opere, che uscirono dal 1674, Venice 1733
1814Phillips, Original Pictures; a Catalogue of the Distinguished Collection of Valuable Original Pictures… the Property of A. Delahante… which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr H. Phillips, at His Great Rooms, No. 73 New Bond Street, on Thursday, the 2d Day of June 1814, London, 3 June 1814 - 4 June 1814
1894B. Berenson, The Venetian Painters of the Renaissance, with an Index to Their Works, New York 1894
1901H. Thode, Tintoretto, Bielefeld 1901
1901A. Venturi, Storia dell'arte italiana, 11 vols, Milan 1901
1901H. Thode, 'Tintoretto: Kritische Studien über des Meisters Werke', Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft, XXIV, 1901
1915F.P.B. Osmaston, The Art and Genius of Tintoret, London 1915
1923E. von der Bercken and A. Mayer, Jacopo Tintoretto, Munich 1923
1925M. Pittaluga, Il Tintoretto, Bologna 1925
1932B. Berenson, Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: A List of the Principal Artists and Their Works, with an Index of Places, Oxford 1932
1932T. Borenius, 'A Great Tintoretto', The Burlington Magazine, LXI/354, 1932, pp. 99-104
1936L. Mayer, 'Christ Washing His Disciples' Feet, by Tintoretto', The Burlington Magazine, LXIX/405, 1936, pp. 281-2
1942E. von der Bercken, Die Gemälde des Jacopo Tintoretto, Munich 1942
1948H. Tietze, Tintoretto. The Paintings and Drawings, London 1948
1957B. Berenson, Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: A List of the Principal Artists and Their Works, with an Index of Places: Venetian School, 2 vols, London 1957
1959Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Venetian School, London 1959
1969A. Pallucchini, Tintoretto, Florence 1969
1970P. de Vecchi, L'opera completa del Tintoretto, Milan 1970
1975C. Gould, Delaroche and Gautier: Gautier's Views on the 'Execution of Lady Jane Grey' and on other Compositions by Delaroche, London 1975
1976C. Wright, Old Master Paintings in Britain: An Index of Continental Old Master Paintings Executed before c.1800 in Public Collections in the United Kingdom, London 1976
1979M.E. Cope, The Venetian Chapel of the Sacrament in the Sixteenth Century, New York 1979
1979J. Mills and R. White, 'Analyses of Paint Media', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, III, 1979, pp. 66-7
1979J. Plesters, 'Tintoretto's Paintings in the National Gallery: Part I', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, III, 1979, pp. 3-24
1980J. Plesters, 'Tintoretto's Paintings in the National Gallery: Part II', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, IV, 1980, pp. 32-47
1982R. Pallucchini and P. Rossi, Tintoretto: Le opere sacre e rofane, Milan 1982
1982D. Rosand, Painting in Cinquecento Venice: Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto, New Haven 1982
1983P. Hills, 'Piety and Patronage in Cinquecento Venice: Tintoretto and the Scuole del Sacramento', Art History, VI/1, 1983, pp. 30-43
1987Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools, London 1987
1992P. Choné, L'atelier des nuits: Histoire et signification du nocturne dans l'art d'occident, Nancy 1992
1996M. Matile, 'Quadri laterali ovvero conseguenze di una collocazione ingrata: Sui dipinti di storie sacre nell'opera di Jacopo Tintoretto', Venezia cinquecento, VI, 1996, pp. 151-206
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2004P. Humfrey, The Age of Titian: Venetian Renaissance Art from Scottish Collections (exh. cat. National Gallery of Scotland, 5 August - 5 December 2004), Edinburgh 2004
2007P. Hills, 'Titian's Fire: Pyrotechnics and Representations in Sixteenth-Century Venice', Oxford Art Journal, XXX/2, 2007, pp. 185-204
2007M. Falomir Faus (ed.), Tintoretto (exh. cat. Museo Nacional del Prado, 30 January - 13 May 2007), Madrid 2007
2008Penny, Nicholas, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, 2, Venice, 1540-1600, London 2008
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.