By Crispijn de Passe the Elder (c.1565–1637), 31 x 23.4 cm (fig.4). Without the inscription that appears on the original and all(?) the painted versions but with the signature ‘Crisp. va. Passe excud.’, the date ‘Anno. 1589.’ and the title EFFIGIES HÆC SCVLPTA EST PER CHRISPIANVM VANDE PASSE/ AD IMITATIONEM INSIGNIS ILLIVS TABELLAE/ DEPICTÆ PER IOANNEM A MABEVGE (This copy was engraved by Crispijn de Passe after that distinguished panel painted by John of Maubeuge).
fig.4 After Jean Gossart, ‘Virgin and Child’, oak panel, 30.5 x 24 cm © Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam