Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, 'The Procession to Calvary', probably about 1505
About the work
The pagan virgin Veronica took pity on Christ carrying the Cross and wiped his face with her veil, which became miraculously imprinted with his features. Saint Veronica kneels to receive the veil from Christ’s hand as he continues on his way. Although Christ is in profile, the image on the cloth is full face. The Virgin and Mary Magdalene follow Christ with Saint John the Evangelist. Simon of Cyrene helps to carry Christ’s cross.
This painting was made for the church of San Gallo in Florence, which was destroyed in 1529. The subject of Christ carrying the Cross was unusual for altarpieces at this date in Italy – the prominence of Veronica suggests that this altarpiece may have been painted for a chapel dedicated to her.
Key facts
- Full title
- The Procession to Calvary
- Artist
- Ridolfo Ghirlandaio
- Artist dates
- 1483 - 1561
- Date made
- probably about 1505
- Medium and support
- oil, originally on wood, transferred to canvas
- Dimensions
- 166.4 × 161.3 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1883
- Inventory number
- NG1143
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Cecil Gould, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools’, London 1987; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
1848E. Förster, Handbuch für Reisende in Italien, Munich 1848
1878G. Vasari, Le vite de'più eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architettori: Con nuove annotazioni e commenti di Gaetano Milanesi, ed. G. Milanesi, 8 vols, Florence 1878
1891G. Frizzoni, Arte italiana del Rinascimento, Milan 1891
1928C. Gamba, 'Ridolfo e Michele di Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio, I', Dedalo, IX, 1928, pp. 463-90
1962Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools (excluding the Venetian), London 1962
1973M. Hopkinson, Rodolfo del Ghirlandaio, MA Thesis, Courtauld Institute of Art 1973
1975C. Gould, Delaroche and Gautier: Gautier's Views on the 'Execution of Lady Jane Grey' and on other Compositions by Delaroche, London 1975
1979R. Genaille, 'La Montée au Calvaire de Bruegel l'Ancien', Jaarboek Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen, 1979, pp. 143-96
1985C.T. Dowd, 'The Travel Diary of Otto Mündler', The Walpole Society, LI, 1985
1986A. Cecchi, 'Profili di amici e committenti', in M. Chiarini (ed.), Andrea del Sarto, 1486-1530: Dipinti e Disegni a Firenze, Florence 1986, pp. 42-57
1987Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools, London 1987
1993D. Franklin, 'Ridolfo Ghirlandaio's Altar-Pieces for Leonardo Buonafé and the Hospital of S. Maria Nuova in Florence', The Burlington Magazine, CXXXV/1078, 1993, pp. 4-16
2000T.M. Di Blasio, Veronica: Il mistero del volto: Itinerari iconografici memoria e rappresentazione, Rome 2000
2000G. Finaldi, The Image of Christ, London 2000
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2001D. Franklin, Painting in Renaissance Florence, 1500-1550, New Haven 2001
2008L.A. Waldman, '"Se bene era dipintore di fantocci": Nunziata d'Antonio, Painter, Pyrotechnician and Bombardier of Florence', Paragone, LIX/703, 2008, pp. 72-86
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.