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Wax-Resin Lining and Colour Change: An Evaluation

David Bomford and Sarah Staniforth
Technical Bulletin Volume 5, 1981


The article details experiments on impregnation with wax-resin of canvas, alone or with several types of ground, which show that darkening occurs on unprimed canvas or on poorly coherent grounds. There is an evaluation of colour change by preliminary experiment to determine which types of painting may be susceptible to colour change as a result of wax-resin lining. A Wright-Wassall reflectance spectrophotometer was used for the evaluation.


impregnation, paintings, spectrometry, wax-resin

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Wax-Resin Lining and Colour Change: An Evaluation, David Bomford and Sarah Staniforth (PDF 6.22MB)

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Bomford, D., Staniforth, S. 'Wax-Resin Lining and Colour Change: An Evaluation'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 5, pp 58–65.

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