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Drawing landscapes

Members' workshop

Unlock your landscape drawing skills with Gayna Pelham
Thursday, 11 July 2024
5.30 - 7 pm BST
Available online only


Gayna Pelham leads this fun evening drawing workshop. Through several exercises inspired by our collection, we will explore how to draw landscapes.

We will play with the techniques used in paintings like John Russell's 'Les Terrasses de Monte Cassino' and Meindert Hobbema's 'The Avenue at Middelharnis'. We will unpick why what you envision in your head might not always translate to paper, bringing fresh perspective and understanding to the drawing process.

No previous experience is needed. Whether you picked up a pencil last week, or you haven't picked up a pencil for years, this class is for everyone.

Please come prepared with pencils, paper and a rubber. We recommend having a 2B and 4B pencil to hand. You may also like to bring water soluble oil pastels or watercolour pencils to play with colour.

This session will last one and a half hours.

Image: Detail from John Russell, 'Les Terrasses de Monte Cassino', about 1889. © Private collection


Gayna Pelham is an educator, artist and art historian with over 15 years' experience of working in galleries and museums, including the National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery and Wallace Collection.
Creative sessions

Drawing landscapes

Members' workshop

Unlock your landscape drawing skills with Gayna Pelham
Thursday, 11 July 2024
5.30 - 7 pm BST
Available online only


Members: £10

This is an online event, exclusive to Members, hosted on Zoom. 

Members, please book your ticket to access this event. You will receive an E-ticket with instructions on how to access your online events, films and resources via your National Gallery account. Only one ticket can be booked per account. A recording of this event will be made available to all ticket holders in the days following the event.

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