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By submitting a story, I confirm that:

  • I am over 13 years old.
  • I give permission to the National Gallery to reproduce and use my story (or any part of it) on the Gallery's website and social media platforms, in the in-Gallery NG Stories experience and in the Sainsbury Wing, and to share my story with the public for these purposes.
  • The story I provide is my own original creation and is not copied from any other material.
  • The story does not contain anything that infringes the rights of any third party, nor is contrary to any law.

Regarding my personal data, I give permission to the National Gallery:

  • To include my first and last names on the Gallery's website and social media platforms and in the in-Gallery NG Stories experience and Sainsbury Wing.
  • To store and use my first and last names and my email address to: (1) contact me about my story; or (2) prove my identity should I decide to withdraw my consent to the National Gallery's use of my personal data.

You have the right to withdraw the personal data consents you have given at any time by writing to or by post to the Data Protection Officer, National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN. This will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out by the National Gallery before you withdraw your consent.

We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal details; read more about this in our privacy policy.