Articulation Prize rules
Your presentation
- Presentations must be based on a visual work of art. This can include a piece of fine art, applied art, architecture, film still, design, etc.
- Speakers must select one work or a cohesive series of works by the same artist/architect. Other works of art may be used to provide context.
- The title of the talk must only contain the name of the artist and the date and title of the artwork being considered. Subtitles may be introduced in the presentation.
- The Prize encourages speakers to visit their local art galleries, museums, exhibitions, and architectural spaces to select local subjects for their talks. First-hand experience with the work of art being discussed is strongly encouraged but not mandatory.
- The speaker’s presentation should be embedded in PowerPoint only.
- The presentation must reflect the speaker’s own approach and personal response to the work of art.
- Presentations must not be longer than ten minutes and not less than seven minutes. Presentations will be stopped if they go over 12 minutes.
- The same presentation must be used for the internal heat, regional heat, regional final and the Grand Final, though minor developments are allowed.
- Participation by the speakers and their school or college in Articulation is regarded as the primary purpose of entering the event, rather than winning.
- At the regional heats and regional finals students will be asked a question by the adjudicator(s) immediately following their talk, which will allow the student to demonstrate their appreciation and/or enthusiasm for the subject of their talk.
- Prize adjudicators will be appointed by the National Gallery and their decisions will be final. No correspondence will be entered into regarding their decisions. The adjudicators are independent judges and will interpret the guidelines in their own way.
- Entry to the Prize and/or hosting and taking part in an Articulation event including internal school heats confirms acceptance of the Articulation terms and conditions, rules and adjudicating guidelines.
- The National Gallery reserves the right to use the winning presentations, written and spoken, for educational purposes, including online promotion channels such as websites, social media etc.
What adjudicators are looking for
Adjudicators for the Prize are asked to assess each presentation as a whole looking at:
- Content: including research, methodology, creative and original thought and use of illustrations.
- Structure: including cohesion, progress, theme, conclusion and timing.
- Delivery: including clarity, accessibility and the speaker’s ability to engage with both the audience and the chosen artwork.
Adjudicators are asked to give equal consideration to speakers who show both a notable commitment and interest for their subject and give the listeners a deeper insight and enthusiasm for the artwork being discussed.
All adjudicators offer additional feedback to all the speakers and can choose to provide further support to their chosen speaker prior to the Grand Final. Adjudicators are encouraged to look for students who show qualities and/or abilities that they consider have particular potential.
The above are only guidelines. Adjudicators will use their own judgement as to whom they believe should be awarded prizes.
Good practice for students and teachers
Articulation is a public speaking prize, and it is strongly recommended that students have the opportunity to practise prior to taking part in the regional heats/regional finals. The delivery of an academic essay and/or an excessive reliance on notes is not advised.
Schools and colleges are required to organise an internal heat within the educational institution to select one speaker to represent them at their regional heat or final. To support your internal heat, your school or college could invite a representative from your local gallery or museum to help your staff adjudicate the presentations, and/or Articulation may be able to put you in touch with a local Articulation Alumni (previous Prize participant) to attend. Scools and colleges are encouraged to roll Articulation out to all of the students in their cohort. For example, some participating schools and colleges ask the entire form (regardless of which subjects they study) to prepare a presentation. Individual applications will be considered in special circumstances.
Articulation is designed to be a supportive and progressive initiative for all participants. Adjudicators are required to give constructive feedback to all speakers at each stage of the competition heats, and the judging criteria includes taking into consideration a speaker’s potential to develop their presentation and public speaking skills.
A strong Articulation presentation combines content, structure and delivery. Personal observation is strongly encouraged as is the selection of a subject from local galleries, museums, exhibitions, and architecture.
It is admissible for teachers and fellow students to advise their nominated speakers on improvements to their talks, but the presentation should be the speaker’s own work and reflect their own approach and personal response. The interest of each speaker gives emphasis to particular aspects, and these may include context, iconography, technique, style, function or historical context.