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Gentile da Fabriano, 'The Quaratesi Madonna', 1425

Key facts
Full title The Madonna and Child with Angels (The Quaratesi Madonna)
Artist Gentile da Fabriano
Artist dates about 1385 - 1427
Date made 1425
Medium and support Tempera on wood
Dimensions 139.9 × 83 cm
Acquisition credit On loan from His Majesty The King
Inventory number L37
Location Gallery E
Image copyright On loan from His Majesty The King, © Royal Collection Enterprises Limited 2024 | Royal Collection Trust
Collection Main Collection
The Quaratesi Madonna
Gentile da Fabriano

This panel formed the centre of an altarpiece commissioned by a member of the Quaratesi family for the high altar of San Niccoló Oltrarno, Florence. It was flanked by Saints Mary Magdalene, Nicholas of Bari, John the Baptist and George; the predella showed scenes from the Life of Saint Nicholas.

The Child holds what seems to be a daisy. The cloth of honour behind the Virgin is silver (now tarnished) glazed with red. The highly decorative nature of the variously patterned luxury textiles, the elaborately tooled gold, and the delicate nature of the figures contrast strongly with the same subject painted by Masaccio a year later. The gable with God the Father is original but within a modern frame.

This painting is on loan from His Majesty The King

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