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George Stubbs, 'The Milbanke and Melbourne Families', about 1769

About the work


This painting was most likely commissioned to commemorate the alliance of the Milbanke and Melbourne families through marriage in April 1769. The married woman is Elizabeth Milbanke (seated in a carriage on the left) and her husband is Peniston Lamb, 1st Lord Melbourne, mounted on a chestnut horse on the right. Elizabeth’s father, Sir Ralph Milbanke, stands beside her. The figure in the middle is most likely Elizabeth’s elder brother, John Milbanke.

Stubbs uses the branches of the large oak tree behind the figures to link the two families. Sir Ralph’s gaze across the picture towards his daughter’s husband, which is complemented by the upward glance of the dog, further unifies the group. The rocky outcrop on the right is a landscape feature that appears in a number of Stubbs’s paintings, but may also represent Creswell Crags, on the Nottinghamshire–Derbyshire border, alluding to Lord Melbourne’s connections with Derbyshire.

Key facts


Full title
Sir Peniston and Lady Lamb, Later Lord and Lady Melbourne, with Lady Lamb's Father, Sir Ralph Milbanke, and Her Brother John Milbanke ('The Milbanke and Melbourne Families')
George Stubbs
Artist dates
1724 - 1806
Date made
about 1769
Medium and support
oil on canvas
97.2 × 147.3 cm
Acquisition credit
Bought, 1975
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
18th-century English Frame (original frame)

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
