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Willem van de Velde, 'Dutch Ships and Small Vessels Offshore in a Breeze', about 1660

Key facts
Full title Dutch Ships and Small Vessels Offshore in a Breeze
Artist Willem van de Velde
Artist dates 1633 - 1707
Date made about 1660
Medium and support oil on wood
Dimensions 41.5 × 58.6 cm
Inscription summary Signed
Acquisition credit Bought, 1871
Inventory number NG872
Location Not on display
Collection Main Collection
Previous owners
Dutch Ships and Small Vessels Offshore in a Breeze
Willem van de Velde

High, scudding clouds and a restless sea bring a feeling of freshness to Willem van de Velde’s painting. Two lowered white sails seem to tumble towards the water, and echo the froth on the tops of the waves. The breeze is almost palpable, with spars, masts and vessels all leaning at different angles, adding to the energy of the scene.

The sand dunes of the distant shore are thought to be the island of Texel; the boat on the left certainly appears to be flying the city’s blue and white flag, although a discoloured layer of varnish makes it difficult to be sure of the colours. The warship on the extreme right fires a gun in a salute for an important visitor.

Van de Velde painted this picture for his family studio in Amsterdam. Hendrick Dubbels, whose work is also in the National Gallery’s collection, was an assistant there and may have painted the water in the foreground.

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