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Benozzo Gozzoli, 'The Virgin and Child Enthroned among Angels and Saints', 1461-2

About the work


This altarpiece was made for the meeting room of the Florentine youth confraternity of the Purification of the Virgin and of Saint Zenobius, which was in the Dominican convent at San Marco.

Saint Zenobius and Saint John the Baptist – the patron saints of Florence – are shown on the Virgin’s right-hand side. Zenobius was the city’s first bishop, and wears the robes and mitre (hat) of that position. Behind him, Saint John points to the infant Christ. Saint Jerome in blue and Saint Francis, well known for their piety and humble lifestyles, kneel at the front. Standing on the Virgin’s left-hand side are Saint Peter, Christ’s disciple, and Saint Dominic, the founder of the Dominican Order.

The Virgin and Christ Child are surrounded by angels holding lilies, and a crop of the flower grows in the ground at the Virgin’s feet. The lily represented purity and was no doubt intended to reflect the feast of the Purification of the Virgin.

Key facts


Full title
The Virgin and Child Enthroned among Angels and Saints
Artist dates
1420/2(?) - 1497
Date made
Medium and support
egg tempera on wood
161.9 × 170.2 cm
Acquisition credit
Bought, 1855
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
19th-century Italian Frame

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
