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Camille Pissarro, 'A Wool-Carder', 1880

About the work


This painting was first exhibited at the fifth Impressionist exhibition in 1880 as 'The Goose Girl (Mayenne)'. Mayenne is in north-west France, an area Pissarro often visited to see his friend Ludovic Piette, who lived at Montfoucault. Piette died in 1878, and by 1880 Pissarro was living at Pontoise, north-west of Paris, but he continued to visit the area and paint its inhabitants.

The picture is painted on cement and is very fragile. It had been broken and restored twice before being presented to the Tate as a safeguard against further damage.

Key facts


Full title
A Wool-Carder
Artist dates
1830 - 1903
Date made
Medium and support
Oil on cement
55.9 × 46.4 cm
Inscription summary
Signed; Dated
Acquisition credit
On loan from Tate: Presented by Lucien Pissarro, the artist's son 1933
Inventory number
Not on display
Image copyright
On loan from Tate: Presented by Lucien Pissarro, the artist's son 1933, © 2000 Tate
Main Collection

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
