Eugène Delacroix, 'Louis-Auguste Schwiter', 1826-30
About the work
Delacroix painted this portrait of fellow artist, Louis-Auguste Schwiter (1805–1899), in the early years of their lifelong friendship. Not only was this Delacroix’s first full-length portrait, but it also reveals the close attention he paid to work by British artists such as Thomas Gainsborough (1727–1788) and Thomas Lawrence (1769–1830). These portraits marked a departure from a more formal, heroic style of portraiture whose primary function was often the display of wealth and social status. The use of outdoor locations, such as parks and woodlands, was an important aspect of this new portraiture and Delacroix makes effective use of the dark sky and foliage to highlight areas of bright colour and, perhaps, to hint at Schwiter’s personality. Delacroix submitted the portrait to the Salon of 1827, but it was rejected. It was later bought by Edgar Degas (1834–1917) for his own collection.
Key facts
- Full title
- Louis-Auguste Schwiter
- Artist
- Eugène Delacroix
- Artist dates
- 1798 - 1863
- Date made
- 1826-30
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 217.8 × 143.5 cm
- Inscription summary
- Signed
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1918
- Inventory number
- NG3286
- Location
- Central Hall
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 18th-century French Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Martin Davies, with additions and some revisions by Cecil Gould, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: French School: Early 19th Century, Impressionists, Post-Impressionists, etc.’, London 1970 and supplemented by Isobel Muir; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2011Delacriox (1798-1863)CaixaForum Madrid18 October 2011 - 15 January 2012CaixaForum Barcelona15 February 2012 - 20 May 2012
2015Delacroix and the Rise of Modern ArtMinneapolis Institute of Art18 October 2015 - 10 January 2016
2016Painters' Paintings: From Freud to Van DyckThe National Gallery (London)23 June 2016 - 4 September 2016
2018DelacroixMusée du Louvre26 March 2018 - 23 July 2018The Metropolitan Museum of Art12 September 2018 - 6 January 2019
1828A. Jal, Esquisses, croquis, pochades, ou tout ce qu'on voudra sur le Salon de 1827, Paris 1828
1828A.D. Vergnaud, Examen du Salon de 1827. Novembre. Première partie, Paris 1828
1855L. de Virmond, 'List of the Works of Delacroix', in T. Silvestre, Histoire des artistes vivants, français et étrangers, Paris 1855
1873A. Moreau, E. Delacroix et son oeuvre, Paris 1873
1885A. Robaut and E. Chesneau, L'oeuvre complet d'eugène Delacroix, Paris 1885
1916E. Moreau-Nélaton, Delacroix, raconté par lui-même, Paris 1916
1918R. Fry, 'The Sale of Degas's Collection', The Burlington Magazine, XXXII/180, 1918, p. 118
1918Galerie Georges Petit, Catalogue des tableaux modernes et anciens, aquarelles, pastels, dessins, par Bartholomé … composant la collection de Edgar Degas, Paris, 26 March 1918 - 27 March 1918
1919R. Fry, 'Recent Acquisitions for Public Collections - VII', The Burlington Magazine, XXXIV, 1919
1926R. Escholier, Delacroix: Peintre, graveur, écrivain, 3 vols, Paris 1926
1936A. Joubin, 'Documents inédits: Haro entre Ingres et Delacroix', L'Amour de l'Art, XVII, 1936
1946Martin Davies, National Gallery Catalogues: French School, London 1946
1946P.-A. Lemoisne, Degas et son oeuvre, Paris 1946
1950A. Joubin (ed.), Journal de Eugène Delacroix, Paris 1950
1954K. Garlick, Sir Thomas Lawrence, London 1954
1957Martin Davies, National Gallery Catalogues: French School, 2nd edn (revised), London 1957
1957J. Siegried, 'The Romantic Artist as a Portrait Painter', Marsyas: Studies in the History of Art, VIII, 1957, pp. 34-42
1963R. Escholier, Eugène Delacroix, Paris 1963
1963R. Huyghe, Delacroix, London 1963
1963M. Sérullaz, Mémorial de l'exposition Eugène Delacroix organisée au Musée du Louvre à l'occasion du centenaire de la mort de l'artiste (exh. cat. Musée du Louvre, May - September 1963), Paris 1963
1965C. Maltese, Delacroix, Milan 1965
1966L. Johnson, 'Eugène Delacroix et les Salons. Documents inédits au Louvre', Revue du Louvre, 1966
1967R. Rosenblum, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, New York 1967
1970Davies, Martin, and Cecil Gould, National Gallery Catalogues: French School: Early 19th Century, Impressionists, Post-Impressionists etc., London 1970
1981L. Johnson, The Paintings of Eugène Delacroix: A Critical Catalogue, 6 vols, Oxford 1981
1989D. Sutton, 'The Degas Sales and England', The Burlington Magazine, CXXXI/1033, 1989, pp. 266-72
1992T. Wilson-Smith, Delacroix: A Life, London 1992
1993A. Daguerre de Hureaux, Delacroix, Paris 1993
1996A. Dumas, Degas as a Collector, London 1996
1997A. Dumas et al., The Private Collection of Edgar Degas (exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1 October 1997 - 11 January 1998), New York 1997
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2019Herring, Sarah, National Gallery Catalogues: The Nineteenth Century French Paintings, 1, The Barbizon School, London 2019
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.