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Ferdinand Bol, 'A Lady with a Fan', 1643

About the work


Although there are no records telling us who this young woman is, we can learn quite a lot about her from her clothes and jewellery, and her pose. She is expensively dressed; the fan she holds was a costly accessory and in vogue at the time. Bol also seems to be emphasising her high social status through her pose, which reflects one developed by Rembrandt from highly regarded portraits by Titian and Dürer. It became a popular device in Dutch painting of the time and was used at least twice by Bol for his own self portraits.

In around 1641, Bol left Rembrandt’s studio, then one of the most famous in Amsterdam, on course for success. This portrait has traditionally been dated to the 1640s, when the distinctive style of this young woman’s semi-transparent collar and cuffs was fashionable. Recent cleaning, however, has allowed us to date the painting more precisely: a faint signature and date were uncovered in the lower left corner, only visible in ultraviolet light, reading ‘F. Bol fecit 1643’.

Key facts


Full title
A Lady with a Fan
Ferdinand Bol
Artist dates
1616 - 1680
Date made
Medium and support
oil on canvas
83.5 × 69.5 cm
Inscription summary
signed; dated
Acquisition credit
Bequeathed by Miss A.M. Philips, 1946
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
