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Follower of Hugo van der Goes, 'Virgin and Child', about 1485

About the work


This triptych (a picture in three parts) is made up of three different paintings: the middle panel with its original engaged frame has been inserted into an outer frame, and the two side panels added to it.

The central panel shows the Virgin Mary holding the Christ Child, and its quality suggests that it is by a follower of van der Goes rather than the master himself. This artist was not as good a draughtsman as van der Goes but seems to have been aware of his own deficiencies. Technical analysis shows that he made various changes during the course of painting and seems to have struggled to get the Virgin’s face right: he moved her left eye down, and it is now slightly too low.

Technical aspects of the inner frame suggest the panel was made in Brussels; perhaps the artist was an assistant of van der Goes who moved to Brussels after his master’s death in 1482.

Key facts


Full title
Virgin and Child
Follower of Hugo van der Goes
Artist dates
active 1467; died 1482
Date made
about 1485
Medium and support
oil on wood
32.3 × 21.4 cm
Inscription summary
Acquisition credit
Layard Bequest, 1916
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
Previous owners

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
