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Follower of Simon Marmion, 'Saint Clement and a Donor', late 1480s

About the work


This was once the left wing of a triptych (a painting made up of three sections) which showed a man and woman with their patron saints on either side of an image of the Virgin and Christ Child.

Here, Saint Clement stands behind a man, presumably the male donor who paid for the triptych. The anchor in the saint’s hand is his attribute: he was martyred by being thrown into the Black Sea tied to an anchor. The other wing shows Saint Elizabeth with the woman. We don‘t know who the donors are, but they were presumably married and were probably named after their patron saints. The writing on the frame of our painting is a contraction of a Latin phrase and prayer to the Virgin and Child: ’May our faith let us feel that you are pleading our cause.'

The painting is now obscured by discoloured varnish – you can notice this especially on the faces – and has been much repainted, apparently during a restoration at the end of the nineteenth century.

Key facts


Full title
Saint Clement and a Donor
Follower of Simon Marmion
Artist dates
active 1449; died 1489
Date made
late 1480s
Medium and support
oil on wood
49.8 × 37 cm
Inscription summary
Acquisition credit
Salting Bequest, 1910
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
Previous owners

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
