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Giovanni-Battista Camuccini, 'Landscape with Trees and Rocks', about 1840-1902

Key facts
Full title Landscape with Trees and Rocks
Artist Giovanni-Battista Camuccini
Artist dates 1819 - 1904
Date made about 1840-1902
Medium and support Oil and chalk on paper laid on canvas
Dimensions 27.8 × 37.9 cm
Acquisition credit The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery
Inventory number L807
Location Not on display
Image copyright The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery, © Private collection 2000. Used by permission
Collection Main Collection
Landscape with Trees and Rocks
Giovanni-Battista Camuccini

This free and quick sketch is probably a view in the Roman Campagna. Camuccini has drawn the scene first, and then applied the paint in long, liquid strokes to define two of the tree trunks (the third trunk at far left was not in the end painted) and the play of light on the hillside. The trees in the background are depicted more carefully than some of the other forms such as the rocks at right, which are painted with a slapdash freedom.

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