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Goffredo Wals, 'The Walls of Rome', about 1616-1630s

Key facts
Full title The Walls of Rome
Artist Goffredo Wals
Artist dates about 1590/95 - late 1630s
Date made about 1616-1630s
Medium and support Oil on canvas
Dimensions 30.2 × 38 cm
Acquisition credit The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery
Inventory number L873
Location On loan: Gere Collection Paintings to the Ashmolean (2024 - 2026), The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford, UK
Image copyright The Gere Collection, on long-term loan to the National Gallery, © Private collection 2000. Used by permission
Collection Main Collection
The Walls of Rome
Goffredo Wals

The atmosphere of peace and purity in this painting is underscored by the strong shadows cast by the towers. Although the site is probably imaginary, the walls may be inspired by the Aurelian walls near the Porta di San Paola in Rome, of which the artist made a pen and brown wash drawing. The motif of the towers with arched windows and vegetation growing on them also appears in one of his paintings on copper.

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