Honoré-Victorin Daumier, 'Don Quixote and Sancho Panza', about 1855
About the work
Honoré-Victorin Daumier (1808–1879) often used Miguel de Cervantes’s comic novel Don Quixote as a source for paintings and drawings. These always feature Don Quixote himself, who is usually accompanied by his faithful companion, Sancho Panza. This picture probably depicts the incident when Don Quixote, on horseback in the centre of the painting, charges at a cloud of dust, which he has mistaken for two armies about to do battle. Sancho Panza, who sits on a mule on the right, drinks from a flagon, having explained to the Don that the dust is caused by flocks of sheep.
This small and almost monochrome oil painting on a wood panel is most likely a trial or preliminary sketch for a larger painting now in an American collection. Daumier’s profession as a caricaturist is evident in his use of swiftly sketched outlines and dramatic contrasts of light and dark to convey the essential components of the narrative without unnecessary detail.
Key facts
- Full title
- Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
- Artist
- Honoré-Victorin Daumier
- Artist dates
- 1808 - 1879
- Date made
- about 1855
- Medium and support
- oil on wood
- Dimensions
- 40.3 × 64.1 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Sir Hugh Lane Bequest, 1917, The National Gallery, London. In partnership with Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin.
- Inventory number
- NG3244
- Location
- Room 41
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 19th-century French Frame (original frame)
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Martin Davies, with additions and some revisions by Cecil Gould, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: French School: Early 19th Century, Impressionists, Post-Impressionists, etc.’, London 1970; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2013Daumier: Visions of Paris (1808-1879)Royal Academy of Arts26 October 2013 - 26 January 2014
2018Courtauld Impressionists: From Manet to CézanneThe National Gallery (London)17 September 2018 - 20 January 2019
1904H. Frantz and O. Uzanne, Daumier and Gavarni, London 1904
1908S. Harrison, Illustrated Catalogue, with Biographical and Critical Notes, Dublin 1908
1917C.J. Holmes, 'New Exhibits at the National Gallery', The Burlington Magazine, XXX/167, 1917, pp. 80-1
1923E. Klossowski, Honoré Daumier, Munich 1923
1927E. Fuchs, Der Maler Daumier, Munich 1927
1930E. Fagg, Modern French Masters: An Introduction and Complete Handbook to the Modern Foreign Work in the National Gallery, London 1930
1932T. Bodkin, Hugh Lane and his Pictures, Dublin 1932
1934L. Venturi, 'Daumier', L'arte, XXXVII, 1934, pp. 384-409
1934E. Faure, 'Le Don Quichotte de Daumier', in Ombres Solides, Paris 1934, pp. 593f
1948J. Seznec, 'Don Quixote and His French Illustrators', Gazette des beaux-arts, XXXIV, 1948, pp. 173-92
1954J. Adhémar, Honoré Daumier, Paris 1954
1957Martin Davies, National Gallery Catalogues: French School, 2nd edn (revised), London 1957
1958K.E. Maison, 'Some Unpublished Works by Daumier', Gazette des beaux-arts, LI, 1958, pp. 344-5
1961K.E. Maison, Daumier: Paintings and Drawings (exh. cat. Tate Gallery, 14 June - 30 July 1961), London 1961
1968H.P. Vincent, Daumier and His World, Evanston 1968
1970Davies, Martin, and Cecil Gould, National Gallery Catalogues: French School: Early 19th Century, Impressionists, Post-Impressionists etc., London 1970
1973J. Cherpin, 'Don Quichotte dans l'oeuvre de Daumier', in L'Homme Daumier: Un Visage qui sort de l'Ombre, Marseille 1973, pp. 145f
1991B. Laughton, The Drawings of Daumier and Millet, New Haven 1991
1996B. Laughton, Honoré Daumier, New Haven 1996
1996K.E. Maison, Honoré Daumier: Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings, San Francisco 1996
1996B. Laughton, 'Daumier's Drawings of Don Quixote', Master Drawings, 1996, pp. 400-13
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.