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Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, 'Landscape at Arleux-du-Nord', 1871-4

Key facts
Full title Landscape at Arleux-du-Nord
Artist Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Artist dates 1796 - 1875
Date made 1871-4
Medium and support oil on canvas
Dimensions 48.2 × 58.1 cm
Inscription summary Signed
Acquisition credit Bequeathed by Helena and Kenneth Levy, 1990
Inventory number NG6531
Location Not on display
Collection Main Collection
Landscape at Arleux-du-Nord
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

This view belongs to the group of pictures that Corot painted during his stay in north-east France in 1871. The site depicted is probably the Canal de la Sensée between Arleux and Palluel. Corot first painted the view in May 1871, basing his picture on a study by his friend Alfred Robaut, with whom he was staying. In July he painted this version in the open air, finishing it off back in the studio in November 1874. There are small compositional differences between the two paintings, and in this second version Corot added fishing nets on the right bank.

The overall blond tonality of this picture, shared by a number of other paintings by Corot from the 1870s, may be a response to the light palettes of the Impressionists. It is also fairly flatly painted in comparison with many of his later works. The foliage of the trees is more solid, with less of the shimmering brushwork he habitually added.

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