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Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 'A Girl', about 1800

About the work


A young woman gazes dreamily out of the picture, but not directly at us. She appears to be outside in a dark woody landscape. She gathers her semi-translucent shawl about her head but does not seem to have noticed that the front of her flimsy muslin dress has fallen down, revealing her left breast. Her soft brown wavy hair is tied loosely about her head with a pink ribbon. Her averted eyes do not challenge the viewer’s own, allowing us freely to view her body, tantalisingly at once concealed and revealed in this dark, secluded setting.

Greuze creates a deliberately ambiguous image, blurring the line between youth and maturity, innocence and sensuality – a characteristic of his expressive heads that was much admired by his contemporaries. The modelling of the girl’s face, her glistening eyes and areas of thick paint on her sleeve are typical of his individual painting style.

Key facts


Full title
A Girl
Artist dates
1725 - 1805
Date made
about 1800
Medium and support
oil on wood
45.7 × 38.1 cm
Acquisition credit
Bequeathed by Richard Simmons, 1847
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
Previous owners

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
