Luis Paret, 'View of El Arenal de Bilbao', 1784
About the work
The small quayside of El Arenal is now in the centre of Bilbao, a city in the Basque region of northern Spain, but it was once used as a promenade and for unloading cargo from ships. The view is today dominated by buildings but Paret’s picturesque scene takes in the elegant walkway along the river Nervión and the panorama of mountains beyond. Wealthy citizens and dock workers alike go about their daily activities. To the right, fashionably dressed ladies enjoy a leisurely walk, while behind them a number of labourers shift goods.
Paret painted this work while in exile, following his banishment from Madrid in 1775. It belongs to a series of views depicting Spain’s northern ports, which were commissioned from Paret by the Prince of Asturias – son of King Charles III and the future Charles IV – in 1786. Six other paintings from the series survive; this one, dated 1784, is the same size as the View of Bermeo, painted on copper the previous year (Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao).
Key facts
- Full title
- View of El Arenal de Bilbao
- Artist
- Luis Paret
- Artist dates
- 1746 - 1799
- Date made
- 1784
- Medium and support
- oil on wood
- Dimensions
- 60.3 × 83.2 cm
- Inscription summary
- Signed; Dated
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1983
- Inventory number
- NG6489
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 18th-century English Frame
The Puertos de Cantabria are recorded by Ceán Bermúdez as being divided between the Royal Palace in Madrid and the Casino del Rey at the Escorial. There were at least six. The series was dispersed in 1808 during the Napoleonic war.
The View of El Arenal de Bilbao, one of the most sensitive and accomplished of the series, shows what now forms the centre of modern Bilbao, on the river Nervión. In the distance, towards the left, is the convent of Saint Agustín, since demolished to make way for the present city hall.
No. 6489 passed through Christie’s on 24 March, 1922 (lot 111). It subsequently entered the collection of the Hon. Bertram Bell near Dublin and was auctioned again at Christie’s on 2 December, 1983 (lot 77). It was purchased for £81,000 by Mr Jack Baer of Hazlitt, Gooden and Fox Ltd, acting on behalf of the National Gallery.
Additional information
This painting is included in a list of works with incomplete provenance from 1933–1945; for more information see Whereabouts of paintings 1933–1945.
Text extracted from the National Gallery’s Annual Report, ‘The National Gallery Report: January 1982 – December 1984’.
Exhibition history
2021Luis Paret in BilbaoBilboko Arte Eder Museoa / Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao8 June 2021 - 24 May 2022
2022ParetMuseo Nacional del Prado24 May 2022 - 21 August 2022
1800J.A. Ceán Bermúdez, Diccionario histórico de los mas ilustres profesores de las bellas artes en España, Madrid 1800
1952J.A. Gaya Nuño, 'Luis Paret y Alcázar', Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Excursiones, LVI, 1952, pp. 87-153
1957O. Delgado, Luis Paret y Alcázar: Pintor español, Madrid 1957
1957J. White et al., Paintings from Irish Collections (exh. cat. Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, Dublin, 1957), Dublin 1957
1981A. Braham, El Greco to Goya: The Taste for Spanish Paintings in Britain and Ireland (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 16 September - 9 November 1981), London 1981
1985National Gallery, The National Gallery Report: January 1982 - December 1984, London 1985
1986M. Levey, Director's Choice: Selected Acquisitions 1973-1986: An Exhibition to mark the Retirement of Sir Michael Levey as Director of the National Gallery (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 17 December 1986 - 15 February 1987), London 1986
1986J. González de Durana and K.M. de Barañano, 'Puertos vascos en la obra pictórica de Luis Paret y Alcázar', in Anuario: Estudios - Crónicas / Urtekaria: Asterlanak - Albistak (Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao), Bilbao 1986, pp. 19-46
1988Maclaren, Neil, revised by Allan Braham, National Gallery Catalogues: The Spanish School, 2nd edn (revised), London 1988
1988J.J. Luna, 'Luis Paret y Alcázar: Obras inéditas y otras consideraciones sobre su pintura', Archivo español de arte, LXI/244, 1988, pp. 373-83
1989M. Helston, Painting in Spain during the Late Eighteenth Century (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 15 March - 31 May 1989), London 1989
1991J.J. Luna (ed.), Luis Paret y Alcázar: 1746-1799, Bilbao 1991
1991L. Domergue, 'L'Espagne à l'heure française', in J.-L. Auge (ed.), Le néoclassicisme en Espagne: Journées d'études, 20-21 juillet 1989, Thonon-les-Bains 1991
1995J. Held, 'Die spanische Landschaftsmalerei im 18. Jahrhundert', Städel-Jahrbuch, XV, 1995, pp. 211-30
1996E. Peters Bowron and J. González de Durana (eds), Luis Paret y Alcázar y los Puertos del País Vasco, Bilbao 1996
1997J.L. Morales y Marín, Luis Paret: Vida y obra, Zaragoza 1997
1998J.L. Sancho, 'Notas sobre la pintura de paisaje y marinas en los palacios de Carlos IV', in J.M. Morales Camón (ed.), I Congreso internacional de pintura española del siglo XVIII: Homenaje al ilmo. sr. don José Luis Morales y Marín (Marbella, 15-18 de abril de 1998), Marbella 1998, pp. 369-84
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2009D. Carr, El Greco to Goya: Spanish Painting, London 2009
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.