Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 'Salome receives the Head of John the Baptist', about 1609-10
About the work
The story of the death of John the Baptist is related in the Gospel of Mark (6: 16–29). John had criticised King Herod for marrying his brother’s wife, Herodias, and she sought revenge. At Herod’s birthday feast, Herodias’s daughter Salome so delighted the King by her dancing that he promised her anything she wanted. Encouraged by her mother, she asked for the Baptist’s head, and the King had John executed.
This is a late work by Caravaggio, probably painted towards the end of his life. He has reduced the story to its essentials, focusing on the human tragedy and conveying the scene’s emotional power through a restricted range of colour, pronounced chiaroscuro and dramatic gesture. The brutish executioner places John’s head on a salver held by Salome, whose serious expression and sidelong glance are enigmatic. An elderly maidservant clasps her hands in grief, setting the emotional tone. Characteristic of Caravaggio’s mature works, the composition appears simple but actually hides a sophisticated physical and psychological interplay between the main protagonists.
Key facts
- Full title
- Salome receives the Head of John the Baptist
- Artist dates
- 1571 - 1610
- Date made
- about 1609-10
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 91.5 × 106.7 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1970
- Inventory number
- NG6389
- Location
- Room 32
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 17th-century Spanish Frame
Additional information
This painting is included in a list of works with incomplete provenance from 1933–1945; for more information see Whereabouts of paintings 1933–1945.
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Michael Levey, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Italian Schools’, London 1986; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2012Bodies and Shadows: Caravaggio and His LegacyMusée Fabre23 June 2012 - 14 October 2012Los Angeles County Museum of Art11 November 2012 - 10 February 2013Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art8 March 2013 - 16 June 2013
2013Caravaggio to Canaletto: The Glory of Italian Baroque and Rococo PaintingSzépművészeti Múzeum25 October 2013 - 16 February 2014
2016Beyond CaravaggioThe National Gallery (London)12 October 2016 - 15 January 2017
2017Dentro CaravaggioPalazzo Reale (Milan)29 September 2017 - 28 January 2018
2019Caravaggio NapoliMuseo Nazionale di Capodimonte11 April 2019 - 14 July 2019
2024The Last CaravaggioThe National Gallery (London)18 April 2024 - 21 July 2024
1672G.P. Bellori, Le vite de'pittori, Rome 1672
1927R. Longhi, 'Un San Tomaso del Velazquez e le congiuntere italo‑spagnole tra il '5 e il '600', Vita artistica, II/1, 1927
1952D. Mahon, 'Addenda to Caravaggio', The Burlington Magazine, XCIV/586, 1952, pp. 2-23
1953R. Hinks, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio: His Life, His Legend, His Works, London 1953
1959R. Longhi, 'Un'opera estrema del Caravaggio', Paragone, III, 1959, pp. 21‑32
1961R. Jullian, Caravage, Paris 1961
1962R. Causa, 'Luca Forte e il primo tempo della natura morta a Napoli', Paragone, CXL, 1962, pp. 41-8
1963L. Venturi, Caravaggio, 2nd edn, Novara 1963
1963B. Nicolson, 'Caravaggesques in Naples', The Burlington Magazine, CV/722, 1963, pp. 209‑10
1963G. Scavizzi (ed.), Caravaggio e i Caraveggeschi (exh. cat. Palazzo Reale (Naples), 10 February - 21 April 1963), Naples 1963
1966S. Bottari, Caravaggio, Florence 1966
1966R. Causa, Caravaggio, Milan 1966
1967A. Ottino della Chiesa, L'opera completa del Caravaggio, Milan 1967
1967S. Borla, 'L'ultimo percorso del Caravaggio', Antichità Viva, VI/4, 1967
1968R. Longhi, Ampliamento nell'Officina ferrarese, Rome 1968
1968M.F. Dell'Arco, 'Le opere di misericordia: Contributo alla poetica del Caravaggio', L'arte, I, 1968, pp. 37‑61
1969M.F. Dell'Arco, Le opere di misericordia: Contributo alla poetica del Caravaggio, London 1969
1969M. Kitson, The Complete Paintings of Caravaggio, London 1969
1969H.E. Wethey, The Paintings of Titian: The Religious Paintings, 3 vols, London 1969
1970M.F. Dell'Arco and M. Marini, 'Rassegna degli studi caravaggeschi 1951‑70', L'arte, 11-12, 1970, pp. 117-28
1970Museo del Prado, Pintura italiana del siglo XVII (exh. cat. Casón del Buen Retiro, April - May 1970), Madrid 1970
1971The National Gallery, The National Gallery: January 1969 - December 1970, London 1971
1971G.A. Dell'Acqua and M. Cinotti, Il Caravaggio e le sue grandi opere da San Luigi dei francesi, Milan 1971
1971M. Levey, The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Italian Schools, London 1971
1971M. Calvesi, 'Caravaggio o la ricerca della salvazione', Storia dell'arte, III/9-10, 1971, pp. 93-141
1971R.E. Spear, Caravaggio and his Followers (exh. cat. Cleveland Museum of Art, 29 October 1971 - 2 January 1972), Cleveland 1971
1972R. Causa, La pittura del Seicento a Napoli dal naturalismo al barocco: La natura morta a Napoli nel Sei e nel Settecento, Napoli 1972
1973M. Cinotti (ed.), Immagine del Caravaggio. Mostra didattica itinerante. Catalogo, Cinisello Balsamo 1973
1974M. Marini, Io Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Rome 1974
1974H. Röttgen, Il Caravaggio: Ricerche e interpretazioni, Rome 1974
1974B. Nicolson, 'Editorial: Caravaggio and His Circle in the British Isles', The Burlington Magazine, CXVI, 1974
1975M. Cinotti, 'Il contributo della mostra didattica itinerante "Immagine del Caravaggio"', in M. Cinotti (ed.), Novità sul Caravaggio, Milan 1975, pp. 217-50
1975M. Gregori, 'Significato delle mostre caravaggesche dal 1951 a oggi', in M. Cinotti (ed.), Novità sul Caravaggio, Milan 1975, pp. 27-60
1976G.P. Bellori, Le vite de' pittori, scultori et architetti moderni, ed. E. Borea, Turin 1976
1976A. Moir, Caravaggio and His Copyists, New York 1976
1977V. Pacelli, 'New Documents Concerning Caravaggio in Naples', The Burlington Magazine, LXIX/897, 1977, pp. 819-29
1978F. Bardon, Caravage: Ou, l'experience de la matière, Paris 1978
1978V. Pacelli, 'Caracciolo Studies', The Burlington Magazine, CXX, 1978, pp. 493‑7
1978V. Pacelli, 'Nuovi documenti sull'attività del Caravaggio a Napoli', Napoli nobilissima, XVII, 1978, pp. 57‑67
1978W. Prohaska, 'Beiträge zu Giovanni Battista Caracciolo', Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien, LXXIV, 1978, pp. 153‑269
1980M. Marini, Caravaggio Werkverzeichnis, trans. W. Bensch, Frankfurt am Main 1980
1980V. Pacelli and F. Bologna, 'Caravaggio, 1610: La Sant'Orsola sconfitta dal tiranno per Marcantonio Doria', Prospettiva, XXIII, 1980, pp. 24‑44
1982A. Moir, Caravaggio, New York 1982
1982Whitfield and J. Martineau (eds), Painting in Naples 1606-1705: From Caravaggio to Giordano (exh. cat. Royal Academy of Arts, 2 October - 12 December 1982), London 1982
1983M. Cinotti, Michelangelo Merisi detto il Caravaggio: Tutte le opere, Bergamo 1983
1983H. Hibbard, Caravaggio, London 1983
1984F. Campagna Cicala, 'Intorno all'attività di Caravaggio in Sicilia: Due momenti del caravaggismo siciliano: Mario Minniti e Alonzo Rodriguez', in Caravaggio in Sicilia, Syracuse 1984, pp. 101-44
1985Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Age of Caravaggio (exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 5 February - 14 April 1985; Museo di Capodimonte, May - June 1985), New York 1985
1986Levey, Michael, National Gallery Catalogues: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Italian Schools, London 1986
1986K. Christiansen, 'Caravaggio and "L'esempio davanti del naturale"', Art Bulletin, LXVIII/3, 1986, pp. 421‑45
1987M. Marini, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio 'pictor praestantissimus', Rome 1987
1987M. Marini, 'La "Giuditta" del 1607', in M. Calvesi, L'ultimo Caravaggio e la cultura artistica a Napoli in Sicilia e a Malta, Syracuse 1987, pp. 59-80
1990M. Calvesi, Le realtà del Caravaggio, Turin 1990
1990B. Nicolson and L. Vertova, Caravaggism in Europe, 2nd edn, Turin 1990
1990S. Loire, La Guerchin en France (exh. cat. Musée du Louvre, 31 May 1990 -12 November 1990), Paris 1990
1992F. Bologna, L'incredulità del Caravaggio e l'esperienza delle 'cose naturali', Turin 1992
1993M. Gregori, 'Il San Giovannino alla sorgente del Caravaggio', Paragone, XXXIV, 1993, pp. 3-20
1994Musée des beaux arts de Strasbourg, La peinture à Naples au XVIIe siècle (exh. cat. Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, 5 March - 23 May 1994; Musée des Beaux-Arts, 3 June -21 August 1994), Strasbourg 1994
1995V. Pacelli, L'ultimo Caravaggio: Dalla Maddalena a mezza figura ai due san Giovanni (1606-1610), Todi 1995
1996J. Held, Caravaggio: Politik und Martyrium der Körper, Berlin 1996
1998L. Keith, 'Three Paintings by Caravaggio', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XIX, 1998, pp. 37‑51
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2004N. Spinosa, Caravaggio: L'ultimo tempo: 1606-1610 (Caravaggio: The Final Years) (exh. cat. Museo di Capodimonte, 23 October 2004 - 23 January 2005; The National Gallery, London, 23 February - 22 May 2005), Naples 2004
2005V. Sgarbi et al., Caravaggio e l'Europa: Il movimento caravaggesco internazionale da Caravaggio a Mattia Preti (exh. cat. Palazzo Reale (Milan), 15 October 2005 - 6 February 2006), Milan 2005
2006U. Kultermann, 'The "Dance of the Seven Veils": Salome and Erotic Culture Around 1900', Artibus et historiae, XXVII/53, 2006, pp. 187-215
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.