Nicolaes Maes, 'A Woman scraping Parsnips, with a Child standing by her', 1655
About the work
At first glance, this dark room might seem bare and forbidding but the deep brown of the walls encloses the two figures in warmth and serenity. There’s just enough light to reveal them, but Maes doesn‘t show the window, so the comfortable atmosphere isn’t disturbed. The concentration of woman and child, their gaze directed intently downwards, takes our own eyes to the woman’s hands. She holds a parsnip delicately, scraping it away from her so that the peel lands in the dish in her lap. And we, like the little girl, learn how it should be done.
At this time, Calvinist preachers recommended that ‘the devil should be beaten out of a child’, but genre pictures of this kind showed a gentler attitude towards their education. The painting wasn't necessarily hung on a wall as a lesson in child-rearing, but it would have been seen at least as a picture of domestic calm to be held as a desired end.
Key facts
- Full title
- A Woman scraping Parsnips, with a Child standing by her
- Artist
- Nicolaes Maes
- Artist dates
- 1634 - 1693
- Date made
- 1655
- Medium and support
- oil on wood
- Dimensions
- 35.6 × 29.8 cm
- Inscription summary
- Signed; Dated
- Acquisition credit
- Bequeathed by Lord Farnborough, 1838
- Inventory number
- NG159
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Previous owners
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Neil MacLaren, revised and expanded by Christopher Brown, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Dutch School: 1600–1900’, London 1991; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2011Vermeer's Women: Secrets and SilenceThe Fitzwilliam Museum5 October 2011 - 15 January 2012
2017Vermeer and the Masters of Genre PaintingMusée du Louvre20 February 2017 - 22 May 2017National Gallery of Ireland17 June 2017 - 17 September 2017National Gallery of Art (Washington DC)22 October 2017 - 21 January 2018
J. Smith, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters: In Which is Included a Short Biographical Notice of the Artists, with a Copious Description of Their Principal Pictures […], vol. 2, London 1830
1907C. Hofstede de Groot, Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch Painters of the Seventeenth Century, 10 vols, London 1907
1923W.R. Valentiner, 'Early Drawings by Nicolaes Maes', The Burlington Magazine, XLIII/244, 1923, pp. 16-22
1929H. Wichmann, 'Nicholas Maes', in U. Thieme and F. Becker (eds), Künstler-Lexikon, Leipzig 1929, vol. 23
1960Maclaren, Neil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Dutch School, 2 vols, London 1960
1969E. Haverkamp-Begemann and J.R. Judson, Rembrandt after Three Hundred Years: An Exhibition of Rembrandt and his Followers (exh. cat. Art Institute of Chicago, 25 October - 7 December 1969; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 22 December 1969 - 1 February 1970; Detroit Institute of Arts, 24 February - 5 April 1970), Chicago 1969
1970W. Sumowski, '"Christus segnet die Kinder": Bemerkungen zu einem Frühwerk von Nicolaes Maes', in P. Bloch and G. Zick (eds), Festschrift für Heinz Ladendorf, Cologne 1970, pp. 41ff
1972J. Walsh, 'The Earliest Dated Painting by Nicolaes Maes', Metropolitan Museum Journal, VI, 1972, pp. 105-14
1976C. Brown, Dutch Genre Painting, London 1976
1976C. Brown, Art in Seventeenth Century Holland (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 30 September - 12 December 1976), London 1976
1978C. Brown, The National Gallery Lends: Dutch Genre Painting (exh. cat. Hatton Gallery, 14 January - 26 February 1978; Bolton Art Gallery, 14 March - 15 April 1978), Newcastle upon Tyne 1978
1979W. Sumowski, Drawings of the Rembrandt School, ed. W.L. Strauss, 10 vols, New York 1979
1981C. Brown, Scholars of Nature: The Collecting of Dutch Paintings in Britain, 1610-1857 (exh. cat. Ferens Art Gallery, 14 February - 15 March 1981), London 1981
1983S. Nihom-Nijstad, Reflets du siècle d'or: Tableaux hollandais du dix-septième siècle (exh. cat. Fondation Custodia, 10 March - 30 April 1983), Paris 1983
1984C. Brown, Holländische Genremalerei im 17. Jahrhundert, Munich 1984
1984P. Sutton et al., Von Frans Hals bis Vermeer. Meisterwerke holländische Genremalerei (exh. cat. Gemäldegalerie Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 8 June - 12 August 1984), Berlin 1984
1985P. Conisbee, Chardin, Oxford 1985
1989W. Robinson, 'Nicolaes Maes as a Draughtsman', Master Drawings, XXVII, 1989, pp. 146-62
1991Maclaren, Neil, revised by Christopher Brown, National Gallery Catalogues: The Dutch School, 1600-1900, 2nd edn (revised and expanded), 2 vols, London 1991
1994M. Hollander, 'The Divided Household of Nicholas Maes', Word and Image, X/2, 1994, pp. 138-55
1997R. Priem, 'The "Most Excellent Collection" of Lucretia Johanna van Winter: The Years 1809-22, with a Catalogue of the Works Purchased', Simiolus, XXV/2-3, 1997, pp. 103-96
1999K. Schrenk, Jean Siméon Chardin, 1699-1779: Werk, Herkunft, Wirkung (exh. cat. Staatliche Kunsthalle, 4 June 1999 - 22 August 1999), Karlsruhe 1999
2000L. Krempel, Studien zu den datierten Gemälden des Nicolaes Maes (1634-1693), Petersberg 2000
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2006Rønberg and E. de la Fuente Pedersen (eds), Rembrandt: The Master and his Workshop (exh. cat. Statens Museum for Kunst, 4 February - 14 May 2006), Copenhagen 2006
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.