Paolo Veronese, 'The Dream of Saint Helena', about 1570
About the work
Helen or Helena was mother of the first Christian emperor, Constantine. She dreamed that an angel revealed to her the location of the cross on which Christ was crucified and urged her to travel to the Holy Land to find it. She dug up three crosses and, by testing their healing power, was able to identify Christ’s, known as the True Cross.
Saint Helena sits with one foot up on a stone bench in a window alcove, her head resting in her hand, her elbow on the window ledge. As she sleeps, two winged cherubs appear in the sky carrying the True Cross. The deterioration of the pigment smalt has caused the sky to turn from pale blue to yellow-grey.
Veronese’s painting has probably been cropped at the top and bottom. It was clearly designed to be seen from below, and may have been painted as decoration for an organ shutter, perhaps with a now lost opposite shutter showing Constantine.
Key facts
- Full title
- The Dream of Saint Helena
- Artist
- Paolo Veronese
- Artist dates
- 1528 - 1588
- Date made
- about 1570
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 197.5 × 115.6 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1878
- Inventory number
- NG1041
- Location
- Room 9
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 16th-century Italian Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Nicholas Penny, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings’, vol. 2, ‘Venice 1540–1600’, London 2008; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2013The Renaissance DreamMusée du Luxembourg7 October 2013 - 26 January 2014
2014Veronese: Magnificence in Renaissance VeniceThe National Gallery (London)19 March 2014 - 15 June 2014
2017Frederic William Burton: For the Love of ArtNational Gallery of Ireland24 October 2017 - 14 January 2018
1888P. Caliari, Paolo Veronese, sua vita e sue opere, Rome 1888
1901A. Venturi, Storia dell'arte italiana, 11 vols, Milan 1901
1913D.S. MacColl, 'Notes on Pictures in the Wallace Collection. The Italian School', The Burlington Magazine, XXII, 1913, pp. 323-6
1914C. Ridolfi, Le maraviglie dell'arte, 1648, ed. D. von Hadeln, Berlin 1914
1916R.C. Witt, 'The Cataloguing of the National Gallery', The Burlington Magazine, XXVIII/155, 1916, pp. 190-2
1923C.J. Holmes, Old Masters and Modern Art: The National Gallery, Italian Schools, London 1923
1926A.M. Brizio, 'Note per una definizione critica dello stile di Paolo Veronese', L'arte, XXIX, 1926, pp. 213-42
1927P.H. Osmond, Paolo Veronese: His Career and Work, London 1927
1928G. Fiocco, Paolo Veronese, 1528-1588, Bologna 1928
1928G. Nicodemi, 'Centenario di grandi artisti: Paolo Veronese', Emporium, 68, 1928, pp. 327-44
1934G. Fiocco, Paolo Veronese, Rome 1934
1934R.N.D. Wilson, The National and Tate Galleries, London 1934
1943R. Pallucchini, Veronese, Bergamo 1943
1950R. Cecil, 'The Remainder of the Hertford and Wallace Collections', The Burlington Magazine, XCII, 1950, pp. 168-72
1957B. Berenson, Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: A List of the Principal Artists and Their Works, with an Index of Places: Venetian School, 2 vols, London 1957
1959Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Venetian School, London 1959
1960M. Levey, A Brief History of the National Gallery: With A Representative Selection of Pictures, London 1960
1962L. Crosato, Gli affreschi nelle ville venete del Cinquecento, Treviso 1962
1968G. Piovene and R. Marini, L'opera completa del Veronese, Milan 1968
1973The National Gallery, The National Gallery: January 1971 - December 1972, London 1973
1975C. Gould, Delaroche and Gautier: Gautier's Views on the 'Execution of Lady Jane Grey' and on other Compositions by Delaroche, London 1975
1976T. Pignatti, Veronese: L'opera completa, Venice 1976
1981A. Golahny, 'Jan de Bisschop's St. Helena', Master Drawings, XIX, 1981, pp. 25-7
1982J. Ingamells, '"Perseus and Andromeda": The Provenance', The Burlington Magazine, CXXIV/952, 1982, pp. 396-400
1987Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools, London 1987
1993D. Summers, 'Form and Gender', New Literary History, XXIV/2, 1993, pp. 243-71
1994L. Gnocchi, Paolo Veronese fra artisti e letterati, Florence 1994
1994M. Eidelberg, 'The Dispersal of the Last Duke of Mantua's Paintings', Gazette des beaux-arts, CXXXVI/123, 1994, pp. 207-94
1996D. Jaffé, 'The Earl and Countess of Arundel: Renaissance Collectors', Apollo, CXLIV, 1996, pp. 3-35
1996N. Penny, A. Roy and M. Spring, 'Veronese's Paintings in the National Gallery, Technique and Materials: Part II', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XVII, 1996, pp. 32-55
2000A. Priever, Paolo Caliari, Gennant Veronese, 1528-1588, Cologne 2000
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2008Penny, Nicholas, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, 2, Venice, 1540-1600, London 2008
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.