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Petrus Christus, 'Edward Grimston', 1446

About the work


Edward Grimston was a diplomat in the service of Henry VI, King of England. He holds a chain of linked SSs, a Lancastrian device, in his hands. On the wall of the room behind him are two shields with his coats of arms.

In 1446 Grimston is known to have visited Calais and Brussels as an ambassador, and it would have been easy for Grimston also to visit Bruges, where Petrus Christus worked.

Key facts


Full title
Edward Grimston
Artist dates
active 1444; died 1475/6
Date made
Medium and support
Oil on oak
32.5 × 24 cm
Inscription summary
Signed; Inscribed
Acquisition credit
On loan from the Earl of Verulam
Inventory number
Not on display
Image copyright
On loan from the Earl of Verulam
Main Collection

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.