Pisanello, 'The Virgin and Child with Saints', about 1435-41
About the work
This puzzling painting seems to be a picture in two halves. At the top the Virgin and Child embrace in a gilded sunburst. Below, Saint Anthony Abbot rings his bell and glowers at an elegant knight. This is Saint George, dressed in fifteenth-century armour, and a stylish straw hat – a contemporary French fashion. His emblem of the dragon curls around his legs, snarling at Anthony’s boar.
This is the only surviving signed work by Pisanello and one of only four panel paintings that are certainly by him. We don't know who this painting was made for, though Pisanello was a court painter and worked for various Italian noble families. It was always a single panel and its small scale suggests it was intended for private enjoyment.
Key facts
- Full title
- The Virgin and Child with Saints Anthony Abbot and George
- Artist
- Pisanello
- Artist dates
- about 1394? - 1455
- Date made
- about 1435-41
- Medium and support
- egg tempera on wood
- Dimensions
- 46.5 × 29 cm
- Inscription summary
- Signed
- Acquisition credit
- Presented by Lady Eastlake in memory of Sir Charles Eastlake, 1867
- Inventory number
- NG776
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Previous owners
- Frame
- 15th-century Italian Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Dillian Gordon, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Fifteenth Century Italian Paintings’, vol. 1, London 2003; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2011Art for the Nation: Sir Charles Eastlake at the National GalleryThe National Gallery (London)27 July 2011 - 30 October 2011
2022Pisanello. The Tumult of the WorldMuseo di Palazzo Ducale (Mantua)7 October 2022 - 8 January 2023
1894C. Gruyer, 'Vittore Pisano, appelé aussi le Pisanello, deuxième article', Gazette des beaux-arts, I, 1894, pp. 198‑218
1895J.P. Richter, 'Critical Studies on Pictures at the National Gallery, II, Pictures of the Veronese School', Art Journal, XI, 1895, pp. 37-42
1905G.F. Hill, Pisanello, London 1905
1923R. van Marle, The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, 19 vols, The Hague 1923
1929G.M. Richter, 'Pisanello Studies, II', The Burlington Magazine, LV/318, 1929, pp. 128‑33
1951Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian Schools, London 1951
1957M.L. D'Ancona, The Iconography of the Immaculate Conception in the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance, New York 1957
1961M. Davies, The Earlier Italian Schools, 2nd edn, London 1961
1963O. Pächt, 'The Limbourgs and Pisanello', Gazette des beaux-arts, LXII, 1963, pp. 110-21
1972G.A. Dell'Acqua, L'opera completa del Pisanello, Milan 1972
1972G. Paccagnini, Pisanello e il ciclo cavalleresco di Mantova, Milan 1972
1972B. Degenhart, 'Ludovico Gonzaga in einer Miniatur Pisanellos', Pantheon, 1972, pp. 193‑210
1977L. Benini, 'Descrizione della quadreria Costabili', Musei ferraresi: bollettino annuale, VII, 1977, pp. 79-96
1982N. Gramaccini, 'Wie Jacopo Bellini Pisanello besiegte: Der Ferrareser Wettbewerb von 1441', Idea: Jahrbuch der Hamburger Kunsthalle, I, 1982, pp. 27‑53
1985C.T. Dowd, 'The Travel Diary of Otto Mündler', The Walpole Society, LI, 1985
1986Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian Schools, revised edn, London 1986
1990A. Ugolini, 'Rivedendo la Collezione Costabili di Ferrara', Paragone, XLI/489, 1990, pp. 50‑76
1991J. Dunkerton et al., Giotto to Dürer: Early Renaissance Painting in the National Gallery, New Haven 1991
1992L. Bellosi, 'The Chronology of Pisanello's Mantuan Frescoes Reconsidered', The Burlington Magazine, CXXXIV/1075, 1992, pp. 657-60
1993J. Anderson, 'Documents for the History of Collecting: 16: The Rediscovery of Ferrarese Renaissance Painting in the Risorgimento', The Burlington Magazine, CXXXV/1085, 1993, pp. 539-49
1994H. Trebbin, Sankt Antonius: Geschichte, Kult und Kunst, Frankfurt am Main 1994
1995B. Degenhart, Pisanello und Bono da Ferrara, Munich 1995
1995D. Cordellier, 'Documenti e fonti su Pisanello', Verona illustrata, VIII, 1995
1996L. Puppi, Pisanello: Una poetica dell'inatteso, Milan 1996
1996D. Cordellier et al., Pisanello: Le peintre aux sept vertus (exh. cat. Musée du Louvre, 6 May - 5 August 1996), Paris 1996
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2003Gordon, Dillian, National Gallery Catalogues: The Fifteenth Century Italian Paintings, 1, London 2003
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.