Possibly by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, 'Don Adrián Pulido Pareja', after 1647
About the work
A commanding male figure stares out at us, his white lace collar, shimmering silk sleeves and red sash standing out against his sombre black clothing and the nondescript background. This is Don Adrián Pulido Pareja, a distinguished captain in the Spanish royal navy.
He wears the Knight’s badge of the Order of Santiago, awarded to him in 1647, in the form of a gold medal decorated with a red cross in the shape of a sword. In his left hand he holds a wide-brimmed hat, and he grasps the wooden baton of a commander in his right.
When the National Gallery bought this portrait at the end of the nineteenth century, it was thought to be by Diego Velázquez, whose name appears in the inscription centre left, along with the date ‘1639’ (both have since been shown not to be original). The portrait has plausibly been attributed to Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, Velázquez’s son-in-law and principal assistant.
Key facts
- Full title
- Don Adrián Pulido Pareja
- Artist
- Possibly by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo
- Artist dates
- about 1612/16; died 1667
- Date made
- after 1647
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 203.8 × 114.3 cm
- Inscription summary
- Signed; Inscribed
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1890
- Inventory number
- NG1315
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 17th-century Italian Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Neil MacLaren, revised by Allan Braham, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Spanish School’, London 1988; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2008Picasso et les MaîtresGaleries Nationales du Grand Palais8 October 2008 - 2 February 2009
2009The Discovery of Spain: British Artists and Collectors, Goya to PicassoNational Gallery of Scotland18 July 2009 - 11 October 2009
2014Velázquez ExhibitionGaleries Nationales du Grand Palais25 March 2015 - 13 July 2015
1848W. Stirling-Maxwell, Annals of the Artists of Spain, London 1848
1853J.S., Catalogue of the Pictures at Longford Castle: With Notes, Biographical, Critical, and Descriptive, Salisbury 1853
1854G.F. Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain: Being and Account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated Mss. […], vol. 2, trans. E. Eastlake, London 1854
1855W. Stirling-Maxwell, Velázquez and His Works, London 1855
1885G.C. Villaamil, Anales de la vida y de las obras de Diego de Silva Velazquez: Escritos con ayuda de nuevos documentos, Madrid 1885
1888P. Lefort, Les artistes célèbres: Velazquez, Paris 1888
1906A. de Beruete y Moret, Velázquez, London 1906
1907'Review: Aureliano de Beruete, Velazquez, 1906', The Burlington Magazine, X/47, 1907, pp. 326-7
1909A. de Beruete y Moret, The School of Madrid, London 1909
1913V. Loga, 'Zur Zeitbestimmung einiger Werke des Velazquez', Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, XXXIV, 1913, pp. 281-91
1916A. de Beruete, Retratos de Pulido Pareja. Datos para un problema pictórico (Velázquez y Mazo), Madrid 1916
1917A. Beruete, 'Velázquez ou Mazo? Les portraits de Pulido Pareja', Gazette des beaux-arts, 1917, pp. 236-52
1923H.F. Cook, 'Further Light on del Mazo', The Burlington Magazine, XXIII/126, 1923, pp. 322-3
1925J. Allende-Salazar, Velazquez: Der Meisters Gemalde in 275 Abbildungen, Berlin 1925
1952Maclaren, Neil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Spanish School, London 1952
1953C. Justi, Velázquez y su siglo, Madrid 1953
1958J.A. Gaya Nuño, La pintura española fuera de España: Historia y catálogo, Madrid 1958
1960E.L. Ferrari et al., Velázquez y lo Velazqueño (exh. cat. Casón del Buen Retiro, 10 December 1960 - 23 February 1961), Madrid 1960
1970N. MacLaren and A. Braham, The Spanish School, 2nd edn, London 1970
1980E. Harris and P. Troutman, The Golden Age of Spanish Art: From El Greco to Murillo and Valdés Leal: Paintings and Drawings from British Collections, (exh. cat. Nottingham University Art Gallery, 11 February - 29 March 1980), Nottingham 1980
1988Maclaren, Neil, revised by Allan Braham, National Gallery Catalogues: The Spanish School, 2nd edn (revised), London 1988
1990P. Cannon-Brookes, 'Connoisseurship and Picture Framing in the 1990s', Museum Management and Curatorship, IX/2, 1990, pp. 183-90
1991N.A. Mallory, 'Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo: Retratos y paisajes', Goya, 221, 1991, pp. 265-76
1999N. Glendinning, E. Harris and F. Russell, 'Lord Grantham and the Taste for Velázquez the Electrical Eel of the Day', The Burlington Magazine, CXLI/1159, 1999, pp. 598-605
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2004C.S. Oropesa and J.C.S. Herranz, Juan Bauptta Martínez del Maço: Pintor de cámara de Felipe IV, Yerno de Velázquez y conquense, Cuenca 2004
2004M.C. de Carlos Varona, 'Sobre el supuesto boceto de Las Meninas y otros Velázquez que poseyó el Duque de Arcos', in A.J. Morales and C. Sánchez de las Heras (eds), Symposium Internacional Velázquez, Actas, 8-11 de noviembre, Sevilla, 1999, Seville 2004, pp. 329-40
2006D. Carr (ed.), Velázquez (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 18 October 2006 - 21 January 2007), London 2006
2008P. Cherry, 'Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, copista', in B. Navarrete Prieto (ed.), En torno a Santa Rufina: Velázquez de lo íntimo a lo cortesano, Seville 2008, pp. 250-7
2009C. Baker, D. Howarth and P. Stirton, The Discovery of Spain: British Artists and Collectors (exh. cat., Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh), Edinburgh 2009
2009D. Carr, El Greco to Goya: Spanish Painting, London 2009
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.