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Rembrandt, 'Anna and the Blind Tobit', about 1630

About the work


A cold, grey light creeps through an open window into a room that is itself very old – no glass in the window, a heavy wooden shutter, an open fire with an earthenware pot beside it. The light falls onto an old man. He sits facing into the room, his hands clasped, his head lowered, his face almost lost in shadow. This is Tobit; he sits near his wife Anna, who winds wool on a frame. An apocryphal story tells us that Tobit was a good and holy man but that God made him blind to test his faith.

The old couple await the return of their son Tobias, who has gone to collect money owed to Tobit in order to relieve their poverty. After many adventures Tobias returns, bringing a miraculous cure for Tobit’s blindness. Rather than the miracle, Rembrandt has chosen to celebrate the age, patience and faith of the old man and woman while they wait.

Key facts


Full title
Anna and the Blind Tobit
Artist dates
1606 - 1669
Date made
about 1630
Medium and support
oil on wood
63.8 × 47.7 cm
Acquisition credit
Bought, 1926
Inventory number
Room 22
Main Collection
17th-century Dutch Frame

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
