Go behind the scenes in Conservation with Restorer Jill Dunkerton and Conservator Britta New as they remove the frame from Sandro Botticelli and Filippino Lippi's 'Adoration of the Kings'.
Sandro Botticelli and Filippino Lippi, 'Adoration of the Kings', about 1470
About the work
Images showing the Adoration of the Kings were particularly important in Florence, where the citizens celebrated Epiphany – the feast which commemorated the event – with costumed parades. The shape and scale of this picture suggest that it was made as part of a piece of furniture.
The vast entourage of the kings, including horses in decorated harnesses, is separated from the area occupied by the holy family (Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph) by a wall with only a narrow opening. Two of the kings kneel in front of Christ; the one at the front is about to kiss his foot in homage.
Both Botticelli and Filippino worked on this picture. Botticelli was responsible for the large crowd to the left of the painting while Filippino’s starker, more elongated style of figure painting is seen in the group in the central foreground, which includes a kneeling man and the slightly bowing figure adjusting his right sleeve.
Key facts
- Full title
- Adoration of the Kings
- Artist
- Sandro Botticelli and Filippino Lippi
- Artist dates
- about 1445 - 1510; about 1457 - 1504
- Date made
- about 1470
- Medium and support
- egg tempera on wood
- Dimensions
- 50.2 × 135.9 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1857
- Inventory number
- NG592
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 21st-century Replica Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Martin Davies, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian Schools’, London 1986; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
1849F. Fantozzi, Nuova guida ovvero descrizione storico-artistico-critica della città e contorni di Firenze, Florence 1849
1883G. Morelli, Italian Masters in German Galleries, London 1883
1883J.P. Richter, Italian Art in the National Gallery, London 1883
1893H.C. Ulmann, Sandro Botticelli, Munich 1893
1903J.A. Crowe and G.B. Cavalcaselle, A History of Painting in Italy, Umbria, Florence and Siena, from the Second to the Sixteenth Century, ed. R.L. Douglas, 2nd edn, 6 vols, London 1903
1908H. Horne, Allessandro Filipepi, Commonly Called Sandro Botticelli, Painter of Florence, London 1908
1923R. van Marle, The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, 19 vols, The Hague 1923
1931C. Gamba, 'Opere giovanili del Botticelli', Bollettino d'arte, XXV, 1931, pp. 493-504
1936C. Gamba, Botticelli, Milan 1936
1938J. Mesnil, Botticelli, Paris 1938
1942S. Bettini, Botticelli, Bergamo 1942
1951Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian Schools, London 1951
1953G. Robertson, 'The National Gallery Catalogue of Early Italian Schools', The Burlington Magazine, XCV/598, 1953
1955H. Ruhemann, 'Technical Analysis of an Early Painting by Botticelli', Studies in Conservation, II, 1955, pp. 17-40
1957C. Brandi, Saggi su Filippino Lippi, Florence 1957
1957E. Tietze-Conrat, Dwarfs and Jesters in Art, London 1957
1958R. Salvini, Tutta la pittura del Botticelli, Milan 1958
1961M. Davies, The Earlier Italian Schools, 2nd edn, London 1961
1962R. Salvini, 'Note sul Botticelli', in V. Martinelli and F.M. Aliberti Gaudioso (eds), Scritti di Storia dell'arte in onore di Mario Salmi, Rome 1962, vol. 2, pp. 299-328
1970R. Hatfield, 'The compagnia de Magi', Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, XXXIII, 1970, pp. 107-61
1974G. Panhans, 'Florentiner Maler verarbeiten ein eyckisches Bild', Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte, XXVII, 1974, pp. 188-98
1976R. Hatfield, Botticelli's Uffizi 'Adoration': A Study in Pictorial Content, Princeton 1976
1978R. Lightbown, Sandro Botticelli, London 1978
1981M. Lisner, 'Leonardos Anbetung der Könige: Zum Sinngehalt und zur Komposition', Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, XLIV, 1981, pp. 201-42
1984R. Salvini, Banchieri fiorentini e pittori di Fiandra, Modena 1984
1986Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian Schools, revised edn, London 1986
1989R. Lightbown, Sandro Botticelli: Life and Work, 2nd edn, London 1989
1990C. Caneva, Botticelli: Catalogo completo dei dipinti, Florence 1990
1991J. Dunkerton et al., Giotto to Dürer: Early Renaissance Painting in the National Gallery, New Haven 1991
1991D. Thiébaut, Botticelli, Paris 1991
1992A. Enderle, Kleine Menschen - große Kunst. Kleinwuchs aus künstlerischer und medizinischer Sicht, Hamm 1992
1992M.B. Hall, Colour and Meaning: Practice and Theory in Renaissance Painting, Cambridge 1992
1992P. Ventrone, Le tems revient: L tempo si rinuova: Feste e spettacoli nelle Firenze di Lorenzo il Magnifico (exh. cat. Palazzo Medici Riccardi, 8 April - 30 June 1990), Florence 1992
1993F. Cardini, La stella e i re. Mito e storia dei Magi, Florence 1993
1993J. Poeschke, Italienische Frührenaissance und nordeuropäisches Spätmittelalter, Munich 1993
1996L. Steinberg, The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and Modern Oblivion, 2nd edn, Chicago 1996
1997G.R. Goldner et al., The Drawings of Filippino Lippi and his Circle (exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 28 October 1997 - 11 January 1998), New York 1997
1998R. Cassanelli, La bottega dell'artista: Tra Medioevo e Rinascimento, Milan 1998
1998M.W. Kwakkelstein, 'Botticelli, Leonardo and a Morris Dance', Print Quarterly, XV/1, 1998, pp. 3-14
1999G. Perry and C. Cunningham (eds), Academies, Museums and Canons of Art, London 1999
1999P.L. Rubin and A. Wright, Renaissance Florence: The Art of the 1470s, (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 20 October 1999 - 19 January 2000), London 1999
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2002D. Bomford et al., Underdrawings in Renaissance Paintings (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 30 October 2002 - 16 February 2003), London 2002
2004P. Nuttall, From Flanders to Florence: The Impact of Netherlandish Painting, 1400-1500, New Haven 2004
2004P. Zambrano and J.K. Nelson, Filippino Lippi, Milan 2004
2005A. Cecchi, Botticelli, Milan 2005
2006H. Körner, Botticelli, Cologne 2006
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.