National Gallery Images
Archive reference number
This series contains images of Charing Cross prior to the founding of the National Gallery; Pall Mall; Trafalgar Square; the wartime evacuation of pictures; wartime concerts, canteens and exhibitions; building work; exhibitions; cleaning and conservation; the Scientific Department; education events; views of various rooms; members of Gallery staff; archaeological excavations; and visits and openings by VIPs. The images are mostly original or copy b&w photographs although there are some colour photographs and original prints of etchings.
Record type
Administrative history
This is an artifical series created to provide a visual history of the National Gallery. See the fonds level entry for a brief historical account of the National Gallery's administrative history.
Custodial history
Most of the images were collected by Archive staff in the early 1990s. They are mostly copies from originals held elsewhere.
Related material
The National Gallery Photographic Archive holds images created by the National Gallery Photographic Department. The Image Library available via the Gallery's intranet holds digital images relating to the history of the Gallery. There may be some overlap between this series and these other two repositories of images.
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