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  1. NG14/38/1; NG3536
    13 May-1 Jul 1920
    Correspondence with Alfred A. de Pass re his gift to the Gallery of a selection of pictures from his collection
  2. NG14/39
    Purchased from Guido Arnot with contributions from the National Art Collections Fund and Arthur Serena through the Fund, 1920
  3. NG14/39/1; NG3556
    17 Nov 1919-15 Feb 1921
    Correspondence with Guido Arnot re his offer to sell his picture by Bruegel the Elder to the Gallery for £15,000 and with the NACF and Arthur Serena re their contributions towards the purchase
  4. NG14/40
    Purchased from Walker's Art Gallery, 1921
  5. NG14/40/1; NG3572
    28 Jan-15 Feb 1921
    Correspondence with Augustus Walker re his offer to sell a 'Woodland Scene' by Cotman to the Gallery for 175 guineas
  6. NG14/41
    Purchased at the sale of the Fifth Marquis of Hertford's paintings, 1921
  7. NG14/41/1; NG3583
    28 Jun-13 Jul 1921
    Correspondence with Frank Rinder [of National Gallery of Victoria] re proposed acquisition of the Lely picture at the Hertford sale; extract from sale catalogue, 1 Jul 1921 annotated as follows: 'bought Colnaghi, instructed by NG'.
  8. NG14/42/1; NG3584
    8-26 Jul 1921
    Correspondence with NACF re contributions towards the purchase of Millais' 'Carpenter's shop'
  9. NG14/43
    Purchased from the Leicester Galleries, London, 1921

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