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  1. NG32/91/1; NG6393
    Text for information panels held to mark the acquisition of the painitng.
  2. NG32/92; NG10
    Held in the Board Room. There are no records for this exhibition.
  3. NG32/93
    Held in the Board Room. There are no records for this exhibition.
  4. NG32/94
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 34,405 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.
  5. NG32/95; NG6394
    1-23 Mar 1971
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 37,229 visitors.
  6. NG32/95/1; NG6394
    1-23 Mar 1971
  7. NG32/96; NG6420
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 360,379 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition. The appeal records are located at NG69/1.
  8. NG32/97
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 57,984 visitors.
  9. NG32/97/1; NG16/310.1; NG6402
    Inventory of the Alexander paintings; history of the Alexander Collection; sketch plan of exhibition.
  10. NG32/97/2; History file 1972; NG6402
    Display text and photographs of the Alexander collection

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