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  1. NG14/43/1; NG3594
    19 Oct-10 Nov 1921
    Correspondence with Messrs Brown and Philips re sale of a picture by Lewis for 350 guineas
  2. NG14/44
    Bequeathed by Mr Burdett-Coutts, 1921
  3. NG14/44/1; NG3595
    9 Nov 1921
    This file comprises a copy of the Gallery's letter to Messrs Lawrence, Graham & Co accepting the bequest only
  4. NG14/45
    Presented by the children of Lewis Fry in his memory, through the NACF, 1921
  5. NG14/45/1; NG3604
    20 Nov-15 Dec 1921
    Correspondence with Lewis G. Fry re a proposed gift in memory of his father
  6. NG14/46/1; NG3663
    31 Jul 1922-3 Nov 1924
    Correspondence re NACF's contributions towards the acquisition of a French Primitive picture of 'the Trinity' from Messrs Cassirer and the Tintoretto portrait of Morosini; correspondence re Sir Philip Sassoon's intention to present a Dutch School ...
  7. NG14/47
    Bequeathed by William Asch, 1922.
  8. NG14/47/1; NG3678
    2-11 Oct 1922
    Correspondence with Messrs Stephenson, Harwood & Tatham relating to the bequest of William Asch of a 'Church Scene' by de Witte to be permanently displayed in the Gallery or a Zoffany picture. The Zoffany was accepted however it is currently ...
  9. NG14/48
    Presented by the widow and family of Asher Wertheimer in accordance with his wishes, 1922

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