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  1. NG32/98
    [c. Sep 1972]
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 44,826 visitors.
  2. NG32/98/1
    [c. Sep 1972]
    Contains documentary material and exhibition text
  3. NG32/99
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 24,286 visitors
  4. NG32/99/1; NG24/1972/13
    text of exhibition notices and information panels
  5. NG32/100
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 36,436 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.
  6. NG32/101
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 33,500 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.
  7. NG32/102
    c. Feb 1974
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 34,126 visitors.
  8. NG32/102/14
    c. Feb 1974
    Contains exhibition text
  9. NG32/103
    3 Oct 1973-26 Jun 1974
    The exhibition formed part of the Gallery's 150th anniversary celebrations and was held in Room XIII (Central Hall). It attracted 110,229 visitors.
  10. NG32/103/1; NG16/6.1
    29 Oct 1973-26 Jun 1974
    Financial Times poster competition; exhibition proposal and design; film by LWT's 'Aquarius' programme; television and radio interviews; possible visit by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.

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