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  1. NG14/48/1; NG3705
    28 Jun 1916-23 Apr 1924
    Documents relating to the bequest of Asher Wertheimer of a group of Sargent portraits, the discovery of an earlier settlement revoking the terms of his will and Mrs Wertheimer's subsequent agreement to give the pictures to the NG after her death in ...
  2. NG14/49
    Presented by the National Art Collections Fund, 1922
  3. NG14/49/1; NG3714
    4 Nov 1917-21 Feb 1923
    Correspondence with Sir Timothy Eden re possible sale of his little picture by Fabritius; correspondence with NACF re their offer to present the picture to the NG
  4. NG14/50/1; NG3724
    29 Nov 1922-15 Feb 1923
    Correspondence with Messrs Wansey, Stammers & Co, solicitors to the late John G. Griffiths re his bequest of a portrait of Lady Emilia Kerr by Romney and a portrait of Lord Falkland attributed to Cornelius Jansen
  5. NG14/51; NG3911
    Upon his death in 1909 Sir Ludwig Mond bequeathed his collection of pictures to the National Gallery subject to his wife's life interest. His wife was also empowered to bequeath twelve pictures upon her death. In 1923 a dispute arose as to which ...
  6. NG14/51/1; S957.1
    19 Jul 1907-30 Nov 1921
    The file includes copies of correspondence with the Rt Hon Lewis Harcourt and Sir Alfred re the intended bequest by Dr Ludwig Mond of his collection of pictures, negotiations over the terms of the bequest and the possible erection of a Mond Room to ...
  7. NG14/51/2; S957.2
    16 May-28 Dec 1923
    This file includes correspondence with Sir Alfred Mond, his solicitors [Messrs Oppenheimer, Nathan and Van Dyck] and the Treasury Solicitor re his claim to certain pictures in his father's collection; various annotated lists of Mond Collection ...
  8. NG14/51/3; S957.3
    19 Jul 1907-Aug 1923
    Copies of Will and Codicil of Dr Ludwig Mond, dated 26 Nov 1908; copies of Will of Frederike Mond, 30 Nov 1921; copies of correspondence relating to the Bequest, 19 Jul 1907-14 Feb 1908; copies of correspondence and notes of interviews with Dr ...
  9. NG14/51/4; S957.4
    2 Jan 1924-23 Jan 1926
    This file comprises correspondence with Sir Alfred Mond, his solicitors [Messrs Oppenheimer, Nathan and Van Dyck] and the Treasury Solicitor relating to the final settlement between the NG and Dr Mond's Trustees with regard to the division of the ...

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