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  1. NG32/103/2; NG16/6.2
    3 Oct 1973-12 Jun 1974
    Includes environmental report.
  2. NG32/104; NG1314
    18 Apr-19 Nov 1974
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 100,736 visitors.
  3. NG32/104/1; NG16/312.1; NG1314
    1 Jul-26 Aug 1974
  4. NG32/104/2; NG16/312.2; NG1314
  5. NG32/106; NG172
    5 Feb-2 May 1975
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 111,861 visitors.
  6. NG32/106/1; NG16/87.3; NG172
    5 Feb-2 May 1975
    Correspondence re photographs for the display; press notices.
  7. NG32/108; NG1811
    2 Apr-21 Nov 1975
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 87,252 visitors.
  8. NG32/108/1; NG16/87.4; NG1811
    2 Apr-21 Nov 1975
  9. NG32/111; NG3908
    6 Jan-10 Jun 1976
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room and attracted 69,413 visitors.
  10. NG32/111/1; NG16/87.6; NG3908
    6 Jan-10 Jun 1976
    Requests for transparencies of preliminary sketches; complaints about background music

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