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  1. NG14/51/5
    Mond bequest catalogue
  2. NG14/51/6; S957.8
    23 Jul 1907-12 Jun 1925
    This file comprises various annotated lists of the Mond pictures, drafts of letters, notes and additional copies of relevant documents relating to the Bequest and settlement
  3. NG14/51/7; S957.5
    11 Jan 1927-12 Dec 1929
    Correspondence with HM Office of Works and the Mond family re decoration and opening of the Mond Room
  4. NG14/51/8; S957.6; NG3927
    30 Sep 1938-14 May 1955
    This file contains correspondence with Sir Robert Mond re the removal of the pictures by Cima to the Gallery; correspondence re the handover of the Mantegna 'Imperator Mundi' from the estate of Violet, Lady Melchett; correspondence with the Treasury ...
  5. NG14/51/9; S957.7
    19 Jun 1956-15 Nov 1968
    Correspondence with the Marchioness of Reading and Lord Melchett regarding the re-hanging of the Mond pictures and future use of the Mond Room including formal letters to [30 Jan 1957] and from [15 Feb 1957] the latter agreeing future policy; press ...
  6. NG14/52
    Presented by Mrs Frank Holl, 1925
  7. NG14/52/1; NG4065
    28 Jan-13 Mar 1925
    Correspondence with Mrs Holl re her offer to present a picture by her husband to the National Gallery and re placing the picture in the National Gallery of British Art
  8. NG14/53
    Bequeathed by Miss Agnes Ann Best, 1925
  9. NG14/53/1; NG4132
    13 Nov-9 Dec 1925
    Correspondence with Messrs Bird & Bird re the bequest of Miss Best of a portrait by Joseph Wright of Derby

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