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  1. NG14/54/1; NG4177
    21 Jun 1926-25 Oct 1928
    Correspondence with the NACF re potential acquisitions including a letter from the NG to the NACF re acceptance of 'St Catherine' by Solimena, presented by Mr Lycett Green through the Fund; offer and acceptance letters for Seisenegger's 'Portrait of ...
  2. NG14/55
    Presented by Barons Emile Beaumont d'Erlanger, Frédéric d'Erlanger and Rodolphe d'Erlanger in memory of their parents, 1927
  3. NG14/55/1; NG4253
    22 Jun-14 Jul 1927
    Correspondence with the Rt Hon Marquess of Crewe and the Baron d'Erlanger re the offer to present a full-length portrait of the Comte de Vaudreuil to the Gallery made by the latter and his brothers
  4. NG14/56
    Presented by Mrs Garwood in memory of her father, 1927
  5. NG14/56/1; NG4376
    16 Oct-13 Dec 1927
    Correspondence with Winifred Garwood re her offer to present two pictures to the Gallery in memory of her father, Frank Lloyd, and the re-attribution of one, the 'Portrait of a Lady with a Harp' from Opie to Northcote
  6. NG14/57/1; NG4428
    14 Mar 1928-28 Dec 1929
    Correspondence with the NACF, Joseph Duveen and his Excellenz von Bode re the purchase of a fragment of the Pesellino Pistoia Santa Trinità Altarpiece depicting Saints Zeno and Jerome from the Kaiser Friedrich Museum by the NACF to present to NG; ...
  7. NG14/58
    Bequeathed by the Reverend H.S. Gladstone, 1929
  8. NG14/58/1; NG4620
    16 Dec 1925-13 Mar 1929
    Correspondence with the Reverend H.S. Gladstone re his offer to present the picture to the NG in 1925; correspondence with Messrs Turner re the bequest of Reverend H.S. Gladstone of the picture in 1929; letter to H.M. Hake re permanently loaning the ...
  9. NG14/59
    Purchased from the Earl of Pembroke, 1929

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