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  1. NG32/125/1; NG16/84.2
    30 Dec 1977-16 Aug 1979
    Exhibition organisation; press notice.
  2. NG32/127; NG14
    16 Nov 1978-13 Feb 1980
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room and attracted 119,044 visitors.
  3. NG32/127/1; NG16/90.1; NG14
    16 Nov 1978-13 Feb 1980
    Exhibition proposal and design; private view card.
  4. NG32/128
    19 Feb 1979-21 Jul 1980
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 122,042 visitors.
  5. NG32/128/1; NG16/78.4; NG3862
    19 Feb 1979-21 Jul 1980
    Correspondence with R.B. Kitaj; permanent return of 'Van Gogh's chair' from the Tate Gallery; list of pictures for display; press notice.
  6. NG32/128/2; NG16/314.1
    Includes private view card.
  7. NG32/130
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room and attracted 102,939 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.
  8. NG32/131
    1 Jun 1978-29 Sep 1980
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 42,491 visitors. This was a touring exhibition which had previously been displayed in Portsmouth, Stoke, Nottingham and at Barnard Castle.
  9. NG32/131/1; S2114
    1 Jun 1978-29 Sep 1980
    Correspondence with the Arts Council; list of pictures.
  10. NG32/132
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 25,284 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.

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