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  1. NG14/59/1; NG4451
    19 Nov 1918-19 Jul 1929
    Correspondence with Messrs Colnaghi and Lady Pembroke re possible sale of the Wilton Diptych in 1918; correspondence with HM Treasury re obtaining a special grant towards the purchase of the Diptych in 1929 and with Messrs Nicholl, Manisty & Co, ...
  2. NG14/60
    Purchased from the Duke of Northumberland, 1929
  3. NG14/60/1; NG4452
    14 Oct 1925-19 Jul 1929
    Copies of correspondence with Sir Joseph Duveen and the Duke of Northumberland, Oct 1925, re Titian's 'Cornaro Family' and the latter's assurance that he has no intention to sell the picture at present; correspondence with HM Treasury re acquisition ...
  4. NG14/61/1; NG4451
    13 Jun 1929-23 Oct 1930
    Correspondence with NACF re payment of their contribution of £10,000 towards the purchase of the Wilton Diptych and the Cornaro Titian; letters from NACF requesting descriptions of other pictures presented through the Fund for inclusion in their ...
  5. NG14/62
    Bequeathed by Lord Revelstoke, 1929
  6. NG14/62/1; NG4453
    Copy of press release re Revelstoke bequest pictures
  7. NG14/63
    Bequeathed by Lady Haversham, 1929
  8. NG14/63/1; NG4483
    28-31 Oct 1929
    Two letters to Miss Astley Smith, executor to the Estate of the late Lady Faversham, regarding inspection of a portrait bequeathed by the latter by J.M.W. Turner
  9. NG14/64
    Presented by Miss W.B. de la Chere, 1929

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