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  1. NG14/64/1; NG4489
    29 Nov-3 Dec 1929
    Correspondence with Messrs Witham, Roskell, Munster & Weld and with Miss W.B. de la Chere regarding two portraits offered by the latter and information about the sitters in both
  2. NG14/65/1; NG4500
    4-15 Apr 1930
    Correspondence with Robert Witt of the NACF re Lionel A. Crichton's gift of a conversation piece, said to be the Walpole family at Strawberry Hill, and its doubtful attribution to Gawen Hamilton
  3. NG14/66/1; NG4884
    27 Aug 1931-29 Apr 1941
    This file comprises, in addition to correspondence of a more general nature, letters from the NACF informing the Gallery of Sir Michael Sadler's gift of 'the Death of the Virgin' through the Fund in memory of Lady Sadler, of their willingness to ...
  4. NG14/67
    Bequeathed by Sir Otto Beit, 1931 subject to a life interest held by Lady Beit in certain pictures. NG4596 entered the Collection in 1931, NG5637-NG5640 in 1941 and NG5834 in 1948.
  5. NG14/67/1; NG4596
    20 Nov 1930-29 Apr 1954
    Correspondence with Messrs Coward, Chance & Co, Arthur Dearle, executor to the will of Sir Otto Beit and secretary to Lady Lilian Beit, and Sir Alfred Beit re the bequest of Sir Otto Beit of six pictures to the National Gallery and the delivery of ...
  6. NG14/68
    Presented by the 6th Marquis of Lansdowne in memory of his father, 1933
  7. NG14/68/1; NG4680
    24 Oct 1929-12 Jul 1933
    Correspondence between Sir Augustus Daniel [Director], the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres and the Right Honourable Marquis of Lansdowne regarding the latter's proposed gift of a picture to the Gallery in memory of his father and the final selection ...
  8. NG14/69
    Purchased from the Sangiorgi Gallery, Rome in 1934

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