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  1. NG32/137/1; NG16/90.2
    8 Sep 1981
    Letter regarding exhibition dates and catalogue; invitation to private view.
  2. NG32/138
    25 Nov 1981
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room and attracted 72,375 visitors.
  3. NG32/138/1; NG16/90.2
    25 Nov 1981
    Letter regarding exhibition booklet.
  4. NG32/139
    17 Sep 1981-14 Jun 1982
    The exhibition was held in room 36.
  5. NG32/139/1; NG16/84.5
    17 Sep 1981-14 Jun 1982
    Loan correspondence with Derby Art Gallery; press notice; exhibition catalogue 'Joseph Wright of Derby' (Derby Art Gallery, 1979).
  6. NG32/140
    The exhibition was held in the artist's studio and attracted 6,242 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.
  7. NG32/141
    An exhibition about perspective in painting held in the northern extension's Special Exhibitions Room and the Orange Street Theatre. The exhibition attracted 75,593 visitors.
  8. NG32/141/1; S510
    Design; press; labels.
  9. NG32/142; NG6471
    10 Feb-18 Jun 1982
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room and attracted 86,760 visitors. See also NG16/76/1.
  10. NG32/142/2; S1150; NG6471
    Selected responses to questionnaire about the exhibition; photographs of loans to the exhibition; invitation to private view.

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