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  1. NG32/143
    20 Apr 1982
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room and attracted 77,099 visitors. This was a touring exhibition which had previously been on display in Coventry, Derby, Doncaster and Bath.
  2. NG32/143/1
    20 Apr 1982
  3. NG32/145
    29 Jul 1982-13Apr 1983
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Courtauld Institute of Art.
  4. NG32/145/1; S500
    Draft press release; label texts.
  5. NG32/147
    7 Jul 1982-17 Mar 1983
    An exhibition of lower floor paintings held in the Board Room which attracted 73,308 visitors.
  6. NG32/147/1; NG16/318.1
    7 Jul 1982-9 Feb 1983
    Proposal and progress meeting; labels.
  7. NG32/147/2; S502
    10-17 Mar 1983
  8. NG32/148
    1 Jul 1981-31 Aug 1983
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room and attracted 86,869 visitors.
  9. NG32/148/1; NG16/316.1
    1 Jul 1981-27 Jun 1983
    Proposal; organisation; copy of exhibition catalogue.
  10. NG32/148/3
    Jan-Jun 1983
    Including re events surrounding the Fourth International Conference on Oriental Carpets; photographs of carpets on loan.

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