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  1. NG14/74/1; NG4842
    15 May-11 Aug 1936
    Correspondence with the Trustee Department, Barclays Bank Ltd, re bequest of the late Mrs L.M. Garrett of an oil painting by Palmer entitled 'The Harvest Moon' and arrangements for its removal to the NG for inspection before the Board.
  2. NG14/75
    Presented by Miss F.R. Wilkinson in the name of herself and her late sister Mrs Garrett, 1936
  3. NG14/75/1; NG4845
    31 Jul-12 Nov 1936
    Correspondence with Miss Wilkinson re her proposed gift of a portrait of Mrs Sarah Walker and its doubtful attribution to Gainsborough; correspondence with Mr Maynard of the Ipswich Museum re loan of the picture there for a period of three months.
  4. NG14/76
    Bequeathed by William Asheton Tonge, 1937
  5. NG14/76/1; NG4864
    10 Dec 1936-2 Apr 1937
    Correspondence with the Office of the Deputy Public Trustee re acceptance of part of the bequest of W.A. Tonge; correspondence with H.M. Hake of the National Portrait Gallery re transfer of the Portrait of Ben Jonson by Luttrell to the NPG on ...
  6. NG14/77
    Presented by Mr and Mrs Felix M. Warburg through the National Art Collections Fund, 1937
  7. NG14/77/1; NG4868.1
    1 May 1929-1 Apr 1937
    This file comprises correspondence with Robert Witt of the National Art Collections Fund, Sir Joseph Duveen, the Right Honourable Ramsay MacDonald and Felix M. Warburg re the latter's loan and eventual gift of his Pesellino predella pieces to the ...
  8. NG14/78
    Bequeathed by Mrs Mary Woodgate Wharrie, 1937
  9. NG14/78/1; NG4873
    9 Aug 1930-17 Jun 1937
    Correspondence with Mrs M.W. Wharrie re her intended bequest of a portrait of Pringle Fraser by Raeburn including copy of Mrs Wharrie's deed of assignment, 9 Aug 1930; correspondence with Messrs Barnard, Taylor & Douglas-Mann and Mrs Murray Green re ...

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