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  1. NG32/149
    Jun 1983
    The exhibition was held in the artist's studio and attracted 9,563 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.
  2. NG32/150
    18 Jun 1981-27 Oct 1983
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room to mark the centenary of the death of Edouard Manet. It attracted 299,823 visitors.
  3. NG32/150/2; S419
    Press notices; private view card; labels; audio-visual text; photographs.
  4. NG32/151; NG6463
    29 Jul 1983-17 Jan 1984
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room and attracted 66,738 visitors. See also NG16/76/3.
  5. NG32/151/2; S1148; NG6463
    Draft press release; text re Altdorfer 'Christ taking leave of his mother'.
  6. NG32/152
    13 Aug 1982-29 Nov 1983
    The exhibition was held in the northern extension's Special Exhibition Room and attracted 58,342 visitors. This was a touring exhibition which subsequently travelled to Canterbury, Wolverhampton, Lincoln and Exeter.
  7. NG32/152/1; NG16/272.1
    13 Aug 1982-29 Nov 1983
    Correspondence with the Arts Council re exhibition organisation; press notice; private view card.
  8. NG32/155
    The exhibition was held in the artist's studio. There are no records for this exhibition.
  9. NG32/156
    17 Dec 1980-11 Apr 1985
    The first exhibition to be held in the Sunley Room. It attracted 160,931 visitors.
  10. NG32/156/2; NG16/275.1
    9 Aug-18 Sep 1984
    Opening of the exhibition; copies of speeches; programme; attendance list.

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