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  1. NG32/10
    A selection of late works by Turner from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1933. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery Reports 1925-1937.
  2. NG32/11
    A selection of British works from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1933. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery Reports 1925-1937.
  3. NG32/12
    A selection of minor Dutch paintings from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1933. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery Reports 1925-1937.
  4. NG32/13
    A selection of British works from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1934 to coincide with an exhibition at the Royal Academy. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery ...
  5. NG32/14
    A selection of eighteenth century Venetian pictures from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1934. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery Reports 1925-1937.
  6. NG32/15
    A selection of early Italian pictures from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1934. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery Reports 1925-1937.
  7. NG32/16
    A selection of Venetian eighteenth century pictures from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1935. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery Reports 1925-1937.
  8. NG32/17
    A selection of British pictures from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1935. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery Reports 1925-1937.
  9. NG32/18
    A selection of Dutch pictures from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1935. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery Reports 1925-1937.
  10. NG32/19
    A selection of French pictures from the NG Collection were exhibited in Room XXVIII (now Room 5) during 1935. There are no records or catalogue for this exhibition; see NG17/12 National Gallery Reports 1925-1937.

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